Hiding Places
ISBN 1-58787-146-7 Embiid ed. $3.99
(Formats Available: EBK, PALM)
ISBN 1-58787-147-5 Rocket ed. $4.99
First Embiid edition April 2002
First published by Harlequin American Romances in 1985.
Cover art by Melisa Michaels
When Hillary Michaels first met Anton Roeffler in the peaceful cemetery beside the church in Altus, Arkansas, she'd used a pseudonym and invented a quiet history for herself that bore no relation to the truth. For a few blissful months she'd known real happiness with him...till the past caught up with her.
She would never forget the look on his face when he learned the truth. She had no time or way to explain to him why she had lied—no way to convince him that her love for him was real. Nor would he have believed her, had she tried.
Now, four years later, she must return to Altus and face his bitterness and distrust before the lies they've both told ruin another life.
"It's natural to want to protect the ones we love—and a lie seems like such a small thing, taken in balance. But even a lie spoken for the very best reasons can grow out of control and place lovers at odds.
"In Hiding Places, Modean Moon gives a compelling story of love, lies—and the triumph of truth."
—Sharon Lee, co-author of the best-selling Liaden Universe® novel I Dare
Here are some pages that will introduce you to the real-life world in which Hiding Places is set:
St. Mary's Catholic Church, Altus, Arkansas -- a view of the organ loft and pipes
Someone's family vacation pictures with two really good ones of the church on St. Mary's Mountain.
Photos of particular interest at this location are:
Sanctuary of St. Mary's -- the church has undergone a renovation since I first saw it but was even then a gorgeous and surprising haven in a (for me) unexpected place.
St. Mary's on the Mountain -- the cemetery is behind the church. Hillary would have parked to the right, where the car is just barely visible in the photo.
Arkansas Wine Country -- a few words and a picture or two of several of the wineries. I didn't see the Sax family represented here, though.
And just for the heck of it, a link to Toad Suck, Arkansas
The Post family -- who helped me a big bunch with the research for Hiding Places, and who really did have T-shirts that proclaimed, "Post, it's not just for breakfast any more."
Lots of good information about Arkansas wineries here. The article was written later than my book, but I find it fascinating.
More about the Post family. I talked extensively with the father of these Post siblings, and later with this Paul and Joseph. Pat, a wonderfully helpful Administrative Assistant answered many of my questions, made sure I got answers to others, and, yes, poured the wine.
The nearby town of Altus, Arkansas -- past and present
And here is a listing of current wineries. I'm saddened to see that the Sax Winery has ceased operations. Mr. and Mrs. Sax were very kind to me while I was researching Hiding Places. It was actually their family winery that prompted the scene in the "original" winery under the Roeffler house. They had just built a new house at the time I was researching, and I confess to stealing their old house for the unrestored Roeffler home.
And no list would be complete with a link to the Wiederkehr holdings. Here's a bit of text, a few pictures. The restaurant here is outstanding. "Rusty" also takes a look at the Post operation, and the Mount Bethel winery (an early shoot from the Post family).
And here is where the concert was held. Scan down about halfway to the picture of the Myriad arena. What a thrill for Constance's debut, and what a triumph for Tippy's "coming home." http://www.okccvb.org/meetings/meetings.htm
It appears they have expanded the seating. When I called, Barry Manilowe had just appeared, and they had arranged seating for 12,000 in the round.
While in downtown OKC, how about a side trip to the botanical gardens?
Although the events of my book predate the attack on the Murrah building, no mention of Oklahoma City would be complete now without a reference to the memorial:
From my backlist page:
ISBN 0-373-16113-1
1985 - Harlequin American
TEPEE Award from Oklahoma Writers Federation for
best novel by an Oklahoma author, 1985