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Mrs. Keenan's Middle School Math Page!

 Hope you have a good day.

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click on the pages listed 
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Yes you can study for a Math test!
Here's how.

1. Read any notes that you have concerning the test.
2. Find the lessons in your book about the test
material. Choose any odd numbered problem
and try to solve it. When you are finished, go 
to the back of the book. All odd numbered problems
are answered in the back of the book. If you got
it correct, congratulations you know your stuff.
If you got it wrong find out why or ask for help.
3. Check a couple of problems from your homework
that include the material in the test.
4. Keep all past quizzes. Go over the material in
those quizzes that relate to your test. See if you
remember why you solved the correct ones the way
you did and try to fix the ones you didn't.

If all else fails, here is website that 
can be used if you are having 
difficulty with a particular area of math. 
It is interactive and you might enjoy it.

Homework Help

Please send me your email address.

Anne Keenan

Hopatcong Middle School

Hopatcong, NJ 07843

Phone # (973)398-8804
