Camille's Page     fe line.gif (2735 bytes)

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My mommy finally let me have a page of my very own! Here I am in my basket my mommy bought me when she was on vacation.  I was still upset that she left for so long and strange people came to feed me so I didn't use my basket for a long time.  But now I guess it is not so bad after all. 

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I don't remember where I came from, but I remember being in a cold metal cage.  That is where my mommy found me.  I wasn't feeling too good, but it felt good to be held in her arms.  Then she took me to a doctor and I couldn't come home for a week!  Again I was in a cold metal cage with strange people giving me medicines and shots.  I was so scared I thought I would die!  But then when I was feeling a little better my mommy came and took me home again.  It was then that I really got my strength back and could run around and play and be cuddled. 

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Here's me and my mommy when I was little..

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    Slowly my eyesight and hearing started to go.  I am only 6 years old but sometimes I feel older than that.  I can see and hear a little bit, some days are better than others, I am thankful that I have a good home and don't live outside where all the scarey smells are.

    I lived in 3 different apartments until my mommy got married and moved into a house.  Now there is lots of room and lots of sunspots to lay in.   I love her husband too, and he loves me.  I have known him since I was a kitten, and am glad my mommy married him, I call him my Daddy now.

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Me being a ferocious kitten.

My favorite things to play with are balls and feathers.  I like to bat the balls around and play soccer.  A lot of times I will lose the ball because it is in one of my blind spots, but all I have to do is meow pitifully and my mommy will roll it to me so I can see it.  My favorite feather is a swan feather my mommy found at the park.  It still smells "swanny" to me and store bought feathers just aren't the same.  I also like to bite mommy's hair when she is laying on the floor.  


    My favorite snack is tuna.  Whenever my mommy makes tuna I will howl and howl until she gives me some.  She never gives me enough though. 

camillepounce.jpg (3450 bytes)Pounce Position!!!!!

    I love to lay around in the sun, I also love to sleep and cuddle with mommy when she watches TV.  Sometimes she takes me outside to sit in the sun when it is warm out.  She will hold me when she is sitting in the big chair.  If I smell a cat nearby I will want to go back inside, I am afraid of other cats, but  I do like to get the fresh air. 

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Here I am trying out for the X-files...I didn't get the part, I guess I am still too cute!

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Boy, am I pooped!!!


Well that is all for now on my new page.   I am really tired now I think I will take a nap.

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Be sure to check out the rest of mommy's site and all of the great links to other purrrrfectly wonderful cat sites on the web!

Signing off now, Lots of Love, Purrs and Head Rubbies,


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