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Each four years  the Regions of NCFI conduct a conference for nurses of the region.  The next PACEA Conference will be held in Japan, September 27 - October 1, 2010.




Nurses Christian Fellowship International

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27 September to 1 October, 2010

at the National Women’s Education Centre, Japan


A conference designed to:

· enable participants to receive spiritual care from the Lord Jesus through the Word, inner healing, and each other

· develop a plan of programs and activities for the region to pursue

· enrich each other through exchange of NCF best  practices, and quality time together.


Program Topics

· Expositions from Esther, on the theme Nursing as a Calling

· Leadership training with three tracks:  Spiritual Care Through Wholeness and Inner Healing, Mapping NCF’s Future in the PACEA Region, Leadership Shepherd Skills.

· Evening programs on Best Practices from the Region

· Business Meeting with reports highlighting  activities and finances of the PACEA region

· Plus an afternoon in Tokyo


Six delegates will be accepted from each country in the PACEA Region.

Please contact your National NCF for more information


Contact your State Branch for further details