Nursing Students, Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses and Assistants in Nursing; nurses aspiring to leadership positions; nurses in leadership positions; nurses confronted or struggling with change; nurses being challenged to take up opportunities amidst change. 




· · Provide a forum for nurses to share experiences and explore issues as a Christian and a nurse.

· · Facilitate identification and/or establishment of networks for Christian support in the workplace

· · Align current trends and changes in nursing and health care delivery, and contemporary Christian thought with biblical perspectives.

· · Increase knowledge of Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF) as a resource and support network for Christian nurses in all spheres of nursing.




Nurses Christian Fellowship 

5 Byfield Street, Macquarie Park. NSW 2113


Conference News Page

Abstracts of recent articles related to the conference theme...


Thinking about the Future of Nursing: Changes and Challenges

Many changes will be forthcoming in planning and implementing nursing practice in community-based settings in the future. Nursing education will experience major challenges in planning and developing curricula as a response to more mature people becoming nurses for the first time. Clinical practice "without walls," a change from what we have traditionally known, will require creative approaches toward bringing nurse colleagues along who have only practiced in institutions. This article is intended to stimulate new ideas and solutions for nursing to meet new challenges brought on by health care reform.

Knollmueller RN.

J Contin Educ Nurs.196-201.



Challenges for Nursing in the 21st Century (Extract)

Within the past decade, the nursing shortage has presented many faces: fewer persons are interested in nursing and fewer nurses are employed by hospitals. Another component of the shortage is that nurses, especially hospital nurses, express dissatisfaction with their practices (Aiken et al., 2001).

This lack of satisfaction has several causes but similar outcomes: decreased retention, especially among specialty practice nurses; frequent turnover; early retirement; or departure from nursing. In some hospitals, a significant component of the specialty nurse workforce is outsourced. Active international recruiting has increased the number of foreign-born nurses in the workforce. Nurses over 50 years of age have been lured back to work or encouraged to increase their participation in the workforce. Hospitals employ more travel nurses, agency nurses, foreign-born nurses, and older married nurses (Buerhaus, Staiger, & Auerbach, 2003). The changing composition of the nursing workforce and the dissatisfaction of practicing nurses contribute to the complexity of the nursing shortage.

Sister Rosemary Donnelly 




Combating Cynicism [Online Article]

By Gregory Jones




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