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Keeping an ear to our rapidly changing world is in itself a challenge; but dealing with the outcomes of those changes can be even more challenging.


Changes in our society and health care delivery impacts on nursing at all levels, and nurses often struggle with the tensions created. Christian nurses are confronted with further challenges as they engage with new ethical issues, changing values and attitudes, as well as new and exciting opportunities.


VENUE: School of Nursing, Notre Dame University Australia, Oxford St. Darlinghurst. Sydney.


































in a rapidly 
changing world


Challenges for Christian Nurses


The second Sydney Campus of Notre Dame University Australia commenced operating in February 2008 at 160 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst, opposite St Vincent’s Hospital. Located just a five-minute walk from the Paddington shopping strip and 20 minutes by public transport from Bondi, the Sydney Campus at Darlinghurst houses the Schools of Medicine and Nursing

Text Box: You are invited to share your reflections, knowledge, skills and experience with the national Christian nursing community at the NCF National Nursing Conference; “Challenges for Christian Nurses in a Rapidly Changing World”.  


Provide a forum for nurses to share experiences and explore issues as a Christian and a nurse.
Facilitate identification and/or establishment of networks for Christian support in the workplace
Align current trends and changes in nursing and health care delivery, and contemporary Christian thought with biblical perspectives.
Increase knowledge of Nursing Christian Fellowship (NCF) as a resource and support network for Christian nurses.

	    The terms nurses/nursing are inclusive of midwives/midwifery. 

Target audience

Nursing Students, Registered Nurses, Midwives, Enrolled Nurses and Assistants in Nursing; nurses aspiring to leadership positions; nurses in leadership positions; nurses confronted or struggling with change; nurses being challenged to take up opportunities amidst change.  

Authors are invited to submit abstracts for:

Oral Papers

It is anticipated that oral papers will be allocated 25 minutes, including 5 minutes for question time.
Abstracts are invited for papers addressing the conference theme and/or its components including sub-themes. 
All abstracts are expected to be of high quality and of current interest to the conference delegates. Abstracts should provide a concise 250 word summary outlining the aims and content of the presentation.
All papers must be original and not previously published or presented. 

Conference Theme

Challenges for Christian Nurses in a Rapidly Changing World


Nursing as Ministry

Exploring nursing as ministry provides an opportunity to consider the nature of nursing as it moves into the fast changing world of the 21st century. Historically nursing had its roots in the concept of Christian ministry. Caring for the weak, the sick and the fragile was a primary part of the public ministry of Jesus and passed on to those who followed him. As nursing moved beyond Christian institutions and into the modern era it was perceived not only as a respected profession but also a vocation or calling.

Is caring for the sick still seen as far more than just a job?
Has professionalism and science diminished in some respects the art of nursing and the significance of this caring role?
Do Christians in nursing see themselves as called to serve as messengers of Jesus love?
If so, in what contexts and ways can this be worked out in nursing, and in preparing nurses for such a ministry?

Nursing the Whole Person

A phrase familiar to all nurses in contemporary practice and an ideal that is much cherished. This sub-theme will explore challenges to the integrity of the nurse-patient relationship as a vehicle for the expression of Christian care and compassion as emerging ideologies and doctrines influence approaches to nurse education, policy and practice. Amongst these emerging ideologies are:

Post modernism
The new secularism
The new atheism
Spirituality as a generic in nursing education
Mindfulness (as opposed to prayerfulness) 
Economic rationalism

Cynicism – Necessary or Evil?

In organisations where there is interminable (or so it seems) restructuring, funding model changes, human and physical resource inadequacies or realignments, call for innovation and dynamic leadership, changed service directions or core business with little consultation and or poor communication it is all too easy for people to assume the worst of the motives, behaviour and value of people and organisations.

Jesus’ example and message is that of hope, faith, belief and trust, yet He was realistic in his assessment of character, motives, situations and organisations – was Jesus a cynic? 

Cynicism - an expression of human nature or a learned behaviour?
Is it acceptable, even wise and accurate in relation to some people or    organizations?
Are the outcomes correction and critique or judgementalism and destruction of wellbeing and enthusiasm?
Recognizing cynicism; its affect on individuals/teams and so patient / client outcomes, and developing constructive responses/actions.
Reconciling personal reactions to health service or role changes with biblical perspectives.

Important Dates

Abstracts due ................................................................20 April 2010
Authors emailed regarding abstract status ............……….21 May 2010
Provisional program posted .............................................6 June 2010
Review Process

All abstracts will be blind-reviewed. The Program Committee will allocate abstracts to the program taking into account the quality of each abstract and the balance of the program.

Submission Procedure

Prepare your abstract

	Prepare your abstract in a Microsoft Word document. 
	The abstract for presentation to be of 250 words maximum
	To be considered for presentation your abstract must include:
a descriptive presentation title of up to fifteen words.
the names, organisation, suburbs, states and email addresses (optional) for each author. Indicate the presenting author in bold.
a list of keywords

Submit your abstract
By Email – as a Microsoft attachment to: 2010 Conference Abstracts
Nurses Christian Fellowship: ncfansw@optusnet.com.au
By Post
Nurses Christian Fellowship
5 Byfield Street, 
Macquarie Park. NSW 2113

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