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Looking for something unusual for a party and unable to find anything decent off season? Pamper yourself with a Skull N Bones Effects facial and get a better costume for less money!

Are you tired of looking like this?

When you could look like this for the same price!

Looking for something original this Halloween or a way to be creepy without waiting until October? Tired of the same old tight fitting, smelly masks that restrict your view of the fun and make Halloween a nightmare for you? Why not try an effects facial from Skull N Bones?

Latex masks are expensive, some costing as much as $100 for a decently scary look that you wear once and throw out and are not as scary because they do not allow your personality to accentuate the effect you are trying to create. Folks wearing masks rarely win costume contests. Masks are hot, sweaty, smelly, uncomfortable, and can be dangerous as well because they block off much of your sight.

An effects facial from Skull N Bones is a more cost effective way to create a scary award-winning look for Halloween or any costume occasion. In addition, every Skull N Bones effects facial is an original creation. An entire group might chose to be zombies but no two of them are going to look exactly the same. In addition, an effects facial allows you to add your own unique personality and facial expressions to the effect you wish to create; the makeup moves with you unlike a mask. This creates a more believable effect no matter how extreme you want to be.  WARNING If you have never worn latex appliances before a skin test will be required before appliance is purchased. Customer is responsible for appliance removal. We are not responsible for any problems incurred from make up and latex applications. All make up is water wash but may require cold cream to cut the grease base.

Base charge is $15.00 includes clown white and basic color crayon no latex or blood.

Latex face application $5+ cost of appliance for labor depending on appliance application and liquid latex used (2 week advance notice) free blood with every appliance if needed or desired. ALL LATEX COSTS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE! NO EXCEPTIONS!autumn lite.jpg (18621 bytes)

Air brushed colors

Normal colors .50 per color

Glitter colors .75 per color

Extra charges

Blood $1 per face (base only)

There will be extra charges for extra work preformed (teeth, hair, etc.) cost depends on amount of work and time

Approximate time for make application is 15-60 min. depending on details required

Free with purchase

Skin Test Some people are sensitive to the adhesives used to attach latex appliances. A skin test involves a drop of the adhesive being placed behind your ear to see if the skin will react. If you have overly sensitive skin, you should not opt for latex appliances.

Cleaning And Care Instructions Each customer will be instructed on the safest and most effective ways to remove their effects facial. If special cleansing items are required for removal those will be provide at no extra charge.

Costume Consultation A costume does not rely on makeup alone, for this reason we will consult with you as to the cheapest and most effective ways to make the most of your effects facial. Costume design can be secured at an added cost. Please allow two weeks for design time, more for elaborate costumes. Groups wanting a set theme can opt for theme consultation. Below is a pic from a past project that Sean and Beige worked with in 2001.

As you can see by this pic, choosing a theme package will not require your team to look identical to one another. This pic is part of our portfolio for the work we did as part of the Crew of Alice Cooper's Nightmare 2001 in Phoenix. Since leaving the Nightmare Crew and its restraints and restrictions, our effects have broadened considerably. Unlike haunted house talent, Skull N Bones works to create effects that are just as realistic under the bright Arizona sunshine as they are in the darkness of a warehouse.

If you live in Phoenix, Arizona and want to reserve your slot for Halloween 2006 Effects Facials

  click here to fill out our handy form

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