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  too many piggies with cell phones. the good thing about police radio communications is that all of it is tape recorded so you can use it in lawsuits against crooked pigs. in my lawsuit i got copies of tempe radio communications. the bad news is the pigs often talk on their cell phones to keep from having their radio conversations taped.

Original Article

Budget crisis forces cops to quit cellphones

Jim Walsh The Arizona Republic Sept. 21, 2005 12:00 AM

MESA - City budget cuts have forced the Mesa police to hang up on some of their officers and staff members.

In an effort to avoid cuts in personnel, 85 officers and other police employees were asked to turn in city-issued cellphones considered non-essential for their jobs. Some have opted for pagers.

Among those turning in cellphones were Police Chief Dennis Donna, who now uses a personal cellphone, and Assistant Police Chief Les Portee.

City employees have a total of about 790 cellphones.

"There are more cellphones in the Police Department than there are in any other department," said Bryan Raines, the city's financial services manager. "I think it's very significant. Every little bit helps."

If the financial picture doesn't improve, the city anticipates a budget shortfall of $30 million to $40 million and far deeper cuts in the future, Raines said.

The cutbacks mean the department trimmed its 462 phones to 377 and saved an estimated $77,000, he said.

In another austerity move, 66 officers lost another perk: take-home cars. Officers who live more than five miles outside the city were required to park their city vehicles at the police station nearest to their home.Savings are estimated at $80,000.

Donna's "main goal was not to lose personnel. He didn't want to lose bodies," said Sgt. Chuck Trapani, a police spokesman.

Raines said the City Council has prioritized public safety, utilities and transportation as essential services, so the police cutbacks are a last resort.

This story also appears in today's Mesa Community section.