Frank McDonough



McDonough Loft
Roebuck, SC

E-Mail Frank McDonough

McDonough Lofts

2003 Young Bird Series Champion Loft

2002 Young Bird Series Champion Loft


The Spartanburg club owes a lot to one of its members. Frank McDonough has provided a home for the club the last few years allowing us to use his shop for basketing, his basement in his home for reading clocks, holding meetings at the club as well as the combine level. Every other month Frank orders feed for the club as well as members of the combine and stores it in his building until the member picks it up. Frank has assisted numerous people in starting up a loft by giving birds to new members and providing ideas and coaching along the way. He has visited schools to share his love for racing pigeons with the children. He has even provided pigeons for Hollywood, his birds appear in a scene in the movie Leather heads. And so on and so on. L J Meyers came to me with the idea the club needed to do something for Frank, to thank him for all he does. We knew we couldn't pay him and there was really nothing he needed or wanted. So the idea was hatched to purchase a lifetime member ship to the AU and present it to him from the club. The members all chipped in and we got it for him. L.J.Meyers and Karen Clifton from the AU presented it to Frank during the 2008 Piedmont Combine show and Auction.
Thanks Frank, you are an asset to the sport and a true friend to all who know you. Even Jerry.

Thanks Frank

L.J. Meyers presents Life membership to Frank.

McDonough Lofts Breeding loft

McDonough Lofts Racing Loft