Harmon Field Release


On the weekend of the 13th and 14th of October 2007 in Tryon, North Carolina a celebration was taking place, to commemorate the 80th birthday of Harmon Field. There was music, games, crafters, food vendors and a wide range of activities. The Friends of Harmon Field organization has planned the busy weekend to celebrate the parks long history and its integral role in the lives of Thermal Belt area residents.

L.J. Meyers releases 80 Homing Pigeons
Celebrating Harmon Fields 80 years.

The park, created in 1927 through a Harmon Foundation Playground grant, has served as home for many equestrian events over the years, including Block House Races and Tryon Horse shows. Its also hosted many other events, such as the Blue Ridge Barbecue Festival, the largest event in the county.



On this particular Birthday weekend, prior to the Any and All breeds Dog Show, a resident from nearby Landrum, South Carolina released 80 Homing pigeons in Honor of the 80 years of history the park has served. L.J. Meyers (Hogback homers Loft) a member of the Spartanburg County Open Racing Pigeon Club did the release. There was a large crowd on hand to witness and enjoy the spectacle. The birds circled a time or two then headed off toward home. By the sounds of the oohs and aahs, you could tell the crowd really enjoyed the event.

Thanks L.J. for taking the time to share our feathered friends with your community. It is events such as this that brings awareness to our sport.