Don's Poetry
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The following poetry is by Don.
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My Two Jamie's
You were a leader at the age of 4
You continue to grow to a real leader at the tender age of 7
All your peers would follow you anywhere
I could see you were going to be a very special and successful adult
Then it happened you young life was swept away by a drunk driver
Now you lay in a comma 1 month away from your 8th birthday
They're telling me that you may not survive wait 72hrs they say
I lay in a hospital emergence room were I get the news

I am 60 miles from your side and can not get to you
My heart turns to sadness and I do not know what to do

So I just lay on the gurney and cry
One month has passed you come out of your coma
The doctors and nurses came in and cried
For they thought you would not survive
You awake as a new person nothing like the one that was
I wheel myself to your side your head is shaved and you are restrained
You look at me and say daddy in a strange voice
I hug you and tell you I love you
But I have to leave the room for I am being over come with emotions
I go out to the hall and cry and shout in anger
Oh why oh why did he take my little girl away
She dose not deserve this at her young age
But the drunk driver dose not cares
You spent the last 10 years trying to get what you once were
The distance never seems to be in reach
But you do not let that stop you from continuing to grow
To come so far make's me proud of you
But your pain in growing and see you lose your
childhood really rips my heart out
For this should have never been

Don Valone


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