


Rose M. Conn, A.H., Ct.H.A.

Rose is a partner in Potentials Unlimited Hypnotherapy.  She began her business in 1986 opened her current hypnotherapy practice in 1989 and began operating from her current office in 1992.  Her favorite specialty is natural childbirthing (sometimes called hypnobirthing or painless childbirthing without drugs).  She has worked with mothers along the East Coast and locally with those delivering at Montgomery General Hospital (many hospitals in the D.C. area have yet to accept this from of birthing assistance technique).  Click here to learn more

Rose is an NGH Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist.  She is also Board Certified in Hypno-Anaesthesiology by the National Board of for Hypnotic Anaesthesiology  (No. 1208981.  Rose is also a certified instructor in Emergency Hypnosis (primarily for use by EMT's, Fire and Rescue personnel and police) and is a Certified Master Hypnotist.  Rose has specialty training and certification in in Hypnosis Pain Control, Natural Childbirth and for correcting Fetus Presentation.  This includes significant specialty training from the Mottin and Johnson Institute.

Rose is the current president of the Maryland Chapter of the NGH and has served as Vice President of the Maryland Chapter of The Society For The Advancement of Past Life Regression Therapy as well as the former president of the Maryland Cottage Study and Research Group for Kinesiology.  She is a current member of the AFL/CIO OPEIU National Federation of Hypnotists - Local 104 and The American Association of Behavioral Therapists.

Her past training includes courses in Natural Healing from the Edgar Cayce Foundation, she is a current REIKI Master and also teaches Crystal Healing and empowerment  techniques.

Rose has been a guest speaker on many radio and T.V. programs in the local area and in the N.J./Philadelphia area.