About ourselves:
Joseph: 14, 7th grade, hates school, fav. band is KoRn, likes to play
basketball. icq#14527270 (Thorn), he had the great ideas and the equipment for the
page. He wrote most of all this non-fiction info, really it's all true!
Steven: 14, 8th grade, hates school, fav.band is KoRn, likes to sk8(bord) not blade, and
play basketball. icq#30418537 (puppet), he figured out how to make and put together
the page, made the dissing pics, wrote some info, and hyperlinks.
We are both from Oklahoma (okie land) and we really like music. We go to school
which we both hate and want to quit. ICQ us anytime.
this is puppet's murdering canabal cousin. He will hunt
down and kill all boy bands. Just what do you think happened to New Kids On The Block?-
XkoruptX. He tryed to kill Thorn with a knife once thru the eye so do
not doubt him. if you find a
" " by
any band that means our personal assassin (up) will hunt them down and kill them. If
you see a " " that means
that our personal assassin will protect them. Remember when Jon Davis punched out
Marilyn Manson? The "assassin" helped him. STRENGTH, PROTECTION, POWER!!! The
Forbidden Art Of Necromancy...
<To Hell...
the Rulz!
So does the
Tom Green Show
email (Steven) XkoruptX (stoned at the moment) at: XkoruptX@hotmail.com
email (Joseph)
Thorn at

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