The Haunted Mansion

    Enclosed by tall, spear-ended wrought iron gates accented with overflowing stone vases perched atop neatly rising brick columns, the rolling lawns of this antebellum Mansion immediately recall the romantic Old South: one nearly expects some love struck southern belle to rush down the flat, wide steps to the veranda and past you, into the night.

    But she does not come. Nobody does.

    The tall, Greek-revival white columns that face out on the waterfront do not hide the fact that the place seems to have the slightest aura of menace about it. While the lawn and the hedges have been neatly trimmed away, the trees themselves are rising to meet it’s roof on all sides, to block it out of the world.

    From an upper balcony, the black draperies and wreath of some long ago funeral service flap gently in the breeze.

    Around the corner of the courtyard and out of view, a white hearse is waiting. Pulled by a horse, no doubt, although the lead and harness that must have once decorated this steed now appear to hover in midair where they should be pulled tight about the animal! There is no occupant, just a sign that announces:

Ghost Relations Department
(Please Do Not Apply In Person!)

    The courtyard winds around past the front doors and leads us on, ever seeming to open upon itself, some new and secret place revealed with every bend of the path. Ahead, in the shade of a gigantic tree, a number of white statuettes peek up from the earth. They are animal graves, well tended to, lit by a single flickering lamp which hangs from a nearby branch.

Freddie the Bat
(upside-down) We'll Miss You

Old Flybait
He Croaked
August 9, 1869

She was a poor little pig
but she bought the farm

our friend
until the end

Beloved Lilac
Long on Curiosity...
Short on Common Scents

[A cross of dog bones with a poodle head, X’s for eyes]

[A cat surrounded by a few small bird grave markers]

In Memory of My Rat
Whom I Loved
Now He Resides
In the Realms Up Above

Here lies
Long Legged Jeb
Got tangled up
in his very own web

October 10
[a fish's grave]

Here lies my snake
whose fatal mistake
was frightening the gardener
who carried a rake

July 11
[a bird or eagle]

    Moving past a brick column, we now encounter a courtyard seemingly carved from the side of a hill, rising slowly to meet the wrought-iron veranda of the house itself. To the left, the courtyard drops away to a narrow walk far below, which winds it’s way past a number of tombs set into the side of the hill:

Theo Later
U. R. Gone
Ray. N. Carnation
Dustin T. Dust
Levi Tation
I. M. Mortal

G. I. Missyou

I. Trudy Departed
Rustin Peece
I. L. Beback
M. T. Tomb

    Guests wind their way onto the Mansion’s veranda. Above them, overlooking the courtyard, some forgotten wicker chairs surround a narrow table littered with the crystal picnic decanter and glass tumblers. The master and madame of the estate must have sat there and watched the river ten thousand summer afternoons ago.

    Ahead, the veranda ends in a shaded corner, where wood slats surround the door to block the sunlight. Unexpectedly, a green-clad servant appears at swinging double doors to bid you welcome. A cool breeze blows from inside…


layout & design by Foxx Nolte, 1998 - 2004. content is copyright the Walt Disney Company. GrimGhosts.Com is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company in any way.