Adat Aytz Chayim/Tree of Life Congregation

Shofar / Trumpet of the Bible

Shofars for 3rd Temple

SHOFAR / Ram's Horn / Trumpet

Aaron Honorof said the first secret coded word found in Genesis (B’resheet) 1:1, is the word SHOFAR. I’m not sure, but as we read in Numbers 29:1-6 and we also find in Lev.23 about Yom Teruah/The Feast of Trumpets about the Blowing of the Shofar. Don’t get the SHOFAR confused with the SILVER TRUMPETS in Numbers 10, they blow the Rams Horn because they don’t have the Temple, but Israel does have them ready for the 3rd temple. Now let’s look at some HaYesod Scriptures (foundational scriptures) on the Biblical Trumpet called: “The Shofar” Genesis 22:1-19 And after these things, testing Abraham, (now your Bibles usually say tempt, but the Hebrew word is na’sah, meaning to test or to prove, YAHVEH never tempts anyone James 1:13, but He does try and test us James 1:2 and 1 Peter 1:7 So YAHVEH was testing him and He said to take your son your only one whom you love, but didn’t Abraham have a older son? YES, but Yitz’chak/Isaac was the only Son of Promise. So in verse 2 YAHVEH tells Abraham to go to the land of Moriah (we say Mt Moriah). Verse 6: So Abraham took Isaac and put the wood on his back to carry to his place of sacrifice. Yeshua also carried His Altar of wood, to His place of Sacrifice. Vs 7: And Isaac spoke to his father Abraham and said, “My father!” and he said “I am here, my son!” So Isaac asked: “I See the fire and the wood! But, where is the LAMB for a burnt offering?” Vs 8: And Avraham said, “My Son, Elohim will provide Himself a LAMB.” So the two of them went together. 9. Then they came to the place which Elohim told them about. And Abraham built the Altar and bound his son Isaac and laid him upon the Altar. Now, can you imagine what was going through Isaac’s mind at that moment? He also had the Faith of his Father. So verse 10. And Abraham stretched out his hand took the knife to sh’chat his son, (sh’chat means to slay or press out). So Abraham was going to kill his beloved son. And the Angel of YAHVEH called to him from the Heavens, and said, “AVAHAM! AVRAHAM!” And he said: “he’nayni” meaning: “I am here.” Vs 12. The angel says: “Don’t lay your hands on the Boy, now I know you fear Elohim and have not withheld your only son from Me.” Notice how the Angel speaks for YAHVEH just as he does many times through scripture. 13. Then Abraham looked up behind himself and what was in the thickets? You got it A RAM! Caught by both of its HORNS. The word for Horn in Hebrew is /rq keren Wyn`r+qB+ , but this text is plural meaning 2 Horns. The Rams Horns or the Two Shofars became Isaac’s Salvation! And what is the Hebrew word for Salvation??? uw?y Yud-Sheen-Vav-Ayin- Yeshua!!! It also said that one Shofar went up to YAHVEH and He will sound it when He comes to earth and the other was left with Abraham. In verse 14 Abraham calls the Name of the Place YAHVEH-YIRAH. You probably have heard it as Jehovah-jireh in most Bibles, but there’s no J’s in the Original scriptures, Hebrew or Greek. And that is what is said unto this day, meaning: “In the Mount of YAHVEH, it will be provided.” And in verse 18 YAHVEH says Because Abraham OBEYED His VOICE, in his seed will ALL Nations be Blessed. Israelites and Gentiles, together in the Olive Tree. NOW, we noticed that the Ram represents YAHVEH’s provision and continued Blessing upon Israel and all the Nations, starting with Isaac whom he spared. Also the Two Horns (the 2 Shofars) represent the picture of the redemption for both Israel and the Nations (Jew and Gentile One in Yeshua). Then even the sound of the Ram’s Horn represents the Voice of YAHVEH. Once the Word is spoken from YAHVEH even through an angel, it (The Word) represents YESHUA, The Word made Flesh. And scripture says His word will not return void. It completes what it’s set out to do. In Exodus 19:16 notice it was on the 3rd day ‘that there were thunder and lightning’, just as Abraham on the 3rd day saw the place afar off in Genesis 22:4 A lot of threes in scripture. Yeshua was in the heart of the earth, as was Jonah. Now in Exodus YAHVEH’s voice is like thunders, lightnings and a voice of a Shofar Very Loud, and all the people trembled. Then Moshe took the people to meet YAHVEH, How Awesome was that? And Mt. Sinai was Smoking. WHY? Because Elohim had just Come Down on the mountain, and Fire and Smoke went up. Even the Whole Mountain Trembled at the sight of YAHVEH. And then in verse 19 a Voice of a Ram’s Horn (the Shofar) got very loud and Moses spoke, and Elohim answered by a voice and came to the top of the Mountain. (Now for the people who think this is the Father’s voice, look in John 5:37 and see what our messiah says. “you have never heard the father nor seen His shape…That’s what Yeshua says. Also remember Moshe did see the back side of YAHVEH, Exodus 23:33….So it had to be Yeshua before He was in the flesh —that’s another teaching.) The angel’s voice in Revelation 1:10 sounds like a Great Trumpet. And don’t forget that Yeshua will sound that GREAT SHOFAR at His soon return. At the sound of the 1st Shofar Elohim began, a marriage covenant with Israel. But I want you to look in Jeremiah 3:8 most Bibles say Elohim gave Israel a divorce, but the word for divorce in Hebrew is Get - fg - the Gimal and Tet. But in this passage it is Keritt ttyrk which also means separation, which can be a big difference! Most Bibles say in Jeremiah 3:14 that YAHVEH is married to a backslider, but that’s not what it really says, it says: “return backslider for I am master over you.” So even in our Bibles we have to check words out. Because YAHVEH says in Hosea 2:19, that He would betroth Israel forever. Now He either is right in both Passages or something is wrong. Now on with the Trumpet / Shofar In Numbers 10:8 “the sons of Aaron are to Blow the Trumpets as a statute forever”. So how can we blow the Shofars if only the priest can Blow them, 1st we won’t Blow the Silver Trumpets, at least here on this earth, they are for Temple use. 2nd remember the priests are from Aaron who is a Levite, and only descendants from Aaron can be priest. So how is this gift of Priesthood bestowed upon us? Elohim opens the Gospel of Luke 1:5 with Zacharias standing at the Altar of incense just before the Holy of Holies, because according to the Priest Office, it was his turn to burn incense in the Temple of Adonai. But to do that; you have to be in the line of Aaron. (His wife Elisabeth was also from the daughters of Aaron). Scriptures says that they were both righteous before God, walking in the commandments and ordinances blameless. (Remember righteous and Legalism are the very same words. So they were legal in God’s eyes, and if anyone says your to legalistic or under legalism, you can tell them, why not! Your trying your best to be righteous for your Creator.) Now in the days of King Herod, Yeshua’s day also, Herod had corrupted the Aaronic Priesthood, a lot of the Priest were buying their Positions, especially the High Priest. Now the Jewish people say that a Priest might serve in the position by the Altar of incense only Once in their life time. They would cast lots for the position, same as casting lots for Yeshua’s Robe in Matt.27:35 Now there was a man name Yochanan the immercer (John the Baptizer), you see; HE was supposed to be in line for the High Priest, and how do we know this? The High Priest was to pick out the Passover Lamb, and that is just what Yochanan did in John 1:29 he says: “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the Sins of the World” not just for Israel, but for the Gentiles too. Some say that when John immersed Yeshua that he gave up his Priesthood position to Yeshua and others say it was when the High Priest tore his cloths, which was against Jewish law, which means the High Priest that rips his garment gives up his position right then and there. Also John would have been very neat and clean, with long combed hair, nothing like TV shows him to be. Now we are heading into a time when we will be Priest and Kings and reign on the earth with Yeshua for a 1,000 years. Revelation 5:10 and 20:4. But not before that Great Shofar Sounds! John (in the Spirit of Elijah) shouted the 1st coming of Yeshua and now Elijah himself will shout the 2nd coming of Yeshua. And the Shout in Numbers 23:21 it says: “YAHVEH, his God is with him (meaning Israel) and the Shout of a King is among them.” The word for Shout is the Teruah (tuWrh-w), the Teruah is a Blow on the Shofar. Feast of Trumpets (in Hebrew is Yom Teruah…. Day of Blowing or Day of the Blows. Yom is Day and Blow is Teruah.) In Lev.23, YAHVEH spoke to Moshe and said “in the 7th month, on the 1st day of the month you shall have a Sabbath Rest, a memorial of the Blowing of Shofars.” Teruah. Numbers 29 says: for it is a day of Blowing the Trumpets. Look to Joshua 5:10 Joshua 5:10 “The sons of Israel camped at Gil’gawl, and prepared for the Passover in the plains of Yericho, and they ate the old grain of the land for Matzah (Unleavened Bread), and the next day the Manna stopped, so they ate of the land hence forth.” Now; when Y’hoshua was by Yericho he looked up and opposite him was a man with his sword in his hand; so Joshua ask him are you for us or for our foes? And he said: “No for I am a captain of the army of YAHVEH!” So Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped Him and asked: “what does Adonai say to His servant?” And the captain said: “Take your shoes off; for you are on Holy Ground!” So Jericho was Holy Ground! And if you noticed the Man didn’t say to Joshua NOT to stop worshipping Him, which Angels do say stop, So this must have been Yeshua pre-incarnate. Even Joshua called Him Adonai in the Hebrew text. Now; Jericho was all shut up with a Great Wall around it, but Adonai said: “Jericho and it’s King and the mighty warriors was his for the taking”. All he had to do was what YAHVEH said. So in 6:3 He says; “You shall march around the city with all your men of war, once a day for Six days, with 7 Priest bearing 7 Shofars before the Ark of the Covenant blowing them,..” But Joshua told the people NOT to make any noise until he gave the OK on the 7th day, But on the 7th Day you shall March around the city 7 Times, and the Priest blowing the Shofars… ‘And it shall come to pass, that when they make a Long blast with the Shofar, and when you hear the voice of the Shofar, all the people will Shout with a Great Shout (a Teruah) and the wall will fall down flat. And it happen just the He said it would! When that day came Joshua said to the people: “Shout: For YAHVEH has given you the city! ” Obeying His voice is very important! Now Judges 6:34 In Judges 6:34 (our Bibles say the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon). But the Hebrew says: And the Ruach; (which is spirit)… “And the Ruach; YAHVEH clothed with Himself - Gideon: and he Blew with the Shofar.” So YAHVEH being with Gideon told him to get the 300 men into 3 groups and put pitchers with a torch inside; put the pitchers in one hand and a Shofar in the other hand. Gideon said: “when you hear me Blow the Shofar, then you shall Blow the Shofar and break the pitchers, on every side of the camp, and Shout these words - “A Sword for YAHVEH and for Gideon!” And Elohim gave them to Gideon and his army that night. And in 1 Samuel 4:5 They brought the Ark of the Covenant of YAHVEH into the camp, and all Israel Shouted with a (Teruah) a Great Shout and the earth trembled. Isn’t our Creator Awesome? There’s more with David and Solomon, in the Psalms. Yeshua says in Matthew 24:31 And He shall send His angels with a Great Sound of a Shofar, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Rev.1:10 “I was in the Spirit on the Day of YAHVEH, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a Shofar..” and Rev.4:1 “a voice like a trumpet talking.” So when you Hear Thunders and see Lightnings you should think of YAHVEH and YESHUA, the creation and all the mighty things Elohim has done through out History. The Sounds of the Shofar and what they mean: Tekeyah 1 single blast; Shevareem 3 short blast; Teruah 9-12 very short blast; Tekeyah-HaGadolah 1 long Blast. The Tekeyah 1 single shofar bast; it is the sound of the King’s coronation. Yeshua is our King. We set our values straight and return to the reality of Elohim as the One who runs the world, not us. The Shevareem 3 short bast; it said that the 3 medium bast is the sobbing cry of a Jewish heart, yearning to connect and grow to the One true Elohim/God. At the moment the Shofar is sounded, we cry out to YAHVEH from the depths of our soul. This is the moment our hearts stand before Almighty and we can truly let go. The Teruah 9-12 very short blast; on Yom Teruah, we need to Wake Up People! And be honest about our lives: who we are and where we’ve been, and which direction are we headed. It is said that the 9 very short blast of the Shofar (the Teruah sound) resembles an Alarm clock, arousing us from our spiritual slumber. The Sound of the Shofar brings clarity, alertness, and focus in our lives. The Tekeyah-HaGodalah 1very Long Blast; is to cover all the other Blasts and it Represents the Great sound that will usher in the 2nd return of Yeshua our Messiah. The Shofar symbolizes the expression of faith of the Jew to his maker and the message it conveys is deep and lasting. Even when I blow the Shofar as I did in Kentucky and people hear it for the first time, they get such a blessing and it’s an ever lasting blessing, because they hear something they never heard before. “Blessed is the man who knows the Teruah - (sound of the Shofar).” Psalm 89:15 Word’s can’t describe the feeling, there’s a sage (Si-a-die-ah Ga-wand) of the 10th century, he suggest that the Shofar reminds him of the ten following things: 1st The Creation, for the Shofar proclaims YAHVEH’s kingdom on earth. 2 Our duty to return to Elohim, for the Shofar calls a sinner to repentance. It sounds like he got this from Ex.19:13 where the Shofar sounded and the people came to the mountain. 3 The Revelation on Mt. Sinai, for the Shofar echoes Israel’s understanding at the mount to obey the Torah. 4 The exhortation of the Prophets, never to leave the good and Godly path. 5 The destruction of the Temple, calling upon Israel to remember the cause that brought the destruction. 6 The binding of Isaac for sacrifice, for therein one recalls Abraham and Isaac’s readiness. The one to sacrifice his dearest and the other his own life at the call of duty. 7 Intimate danger, thus arousing us to constant alertness. And you can see that all through the scriptures. 8 The Day of Judgment, for it is the voice of conscience and also the voice of Elohim. 9 The redemption of Israel, which will be announced to the whole world by a loud blast of the Shofar-1Thess.4:16 10 Life eternal, which is stored up for the righteous. A great teacher named may-mo-ni-des (maimonides) summed up the significance of the Shofar in the following words. And although the blowing of the Shofar is a commandment of the Torah, there is this further meaning of it, he said: “awake you slumbers from your sleep and arouse from your drowsiness. Make search unto your deeds and turn in repentance. Remember your creator, you who forget truth in wasting of the hour who goes astray all your years after vain illusions, which can neither profit nor save. Look to yourselves and mend your ways and your actions. Let every one of you leave his evil path and unworthy purpose. Seek the way of Elohim. This is the meaning of life. Let’s look at a few of the older scriptures that refer to the Sound of the Shofar. Psalm 47:5 “Elohim is gone up with a shout, YAHVEH with the sound of a Shofar.” In the Old Testament you can look at the difference if it says Trumpet, Cornet or Shofar. Because a lot of the times the different verses of the Bible will say cornet when it’s really Shofar, sometimes it’ll say Trumpet, when it’s Shofar. There is a difference, usually when it’s trumpets; it is the Silver trumpets. If you look up the Hebrew, the word Shofar will start off with the Sheen v. Psalm 81:3 “Blow the Shofar in the New Moon, in the time appointed time, on the day of your solemn feast.” And so by this we know we are to sound the Shofar at each New moon or the beginning of the months or the solemn Feast, which the Shabbat is the 1st solemn feast…the weekly feast. And we do this, so as Messianics here, we do fulfill this scripture. Psalm 150 verse 3 “Praise him with the sound of the Shofar: And we do this sometimes in our Praise and Worship service. Isaiah 18:3 “All you inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see you, when he lifts up an ensign on the mountains; and when He blows a Shofar, listen.” Isaiah 27:13 “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Great Shofar shall be blown, (same thing as 1 Thess.) Isaiah 58:1 “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a Shofar,…” Jeremiah 4:5 “Declare you in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem; and say, Blow you the Shofar in the land:” It’s a Commandment! Jer.6:1 “O you children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the Shofar in Tekoa, (this is the town that 2 boys were killed in –in May 2001 and Elohim wants the Shofar blown in that town. Jer.6:17 “Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the Shofar.” Jer.51:27 “Set you up a flag in the land, blow the Shofar— Where? Among the nations…” Joel 2:1 “Blow you the Shofar in Tzion, and sound an alarm in My Holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of YAHVEH comes, for it is near at hand; ” So we blow it for a few reasons: 1 it reminds us of YAHVEH’s Voice 2 He tells on to blow it at our feast and new moons and Shabbat is the very 1st feast. Lev.23:1-2 3 It confuses the enemy...Judges 7:22 Eph.2:2 states that HaSatan/the devil is the prince and power of the air here on this earth. So sounding the Shofar according to Judges 7:22 confuses the enemy which Gideon did and HaSatan is our worse enemy. Sounding the Shofar penetrates the air, sound means blast. And by our blowing, the air that comes from us through the Shofar, (remember we are the temples where the Holy Spirit dwells inside us, and He breathed into us and we became a living being). So when our breath comes out and goes through the Shofar it’s like the Ruach HaKodesh going through there. So when you Hear the Shofar check yourselves and give all your cares over to Yeshua. And when you Hear the Sound of the Shofar you should also think of The Voice of Elohim and our Salvation in Yeshua and His soon Return and being with Him forever. Another teaching is how the Shofar and man are similar. Awe-main


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