For Mari
I have told Mary, that all of the poems that I wrote in the past, took on a special meaning once again with her.  Now, for each of the poems, that I wrote before, I will tell all, how each makes me feel, when I think of Mary.
So my darling wife, as you read this poems again, after reading the introduction here, please know, I love you.
This was originally written as a dedication to a book I was going to send to someone.  However, the book never left my computer.  Now as I re-read this poem, my true love has gone from cyberspace, into my real life.
Sweet Beginnings
I go back in time, to a day in July, and the first time I stepped off the plane, and I saw you there.  Yes Mary, that was the sweet beginnings of our life together.
The Beating of My Heart
It is so hard to explain, the feelings that I had, when you were coming here, or when I was going to Florida, the anticipation, the ache that was deep inside of me.  to this very day, I am so worried, that something will go wrong, that I will make a vital mistake and lose you.  Mary, you do control the very Beating of my Heart.
Love on the Internet
As you read this poem, you will see, that my love mari, was from the internet as well.  But unlike when I first wrote this poem, it has an extremely happy ending.  mari and I, are married.
My Thoughts on a Penny
If anyone were to walk up to me today, when you are not around, and offer me a penny for my thoughts, I could almost bet you, that at the time, I was thinking of you.  I love you Mary.
Others - Short Poems
Anytime you write something it has some meaning.  This page contains three short poems, that tell of the little mishaps in life.  Mari, these poems are for you as well, as we journey in life together.
Soulmates Forever
Do you ever find your true soulmate.  I know I have.  With feelings that run so deep inside of me, and the feelings that we both have when we are both together, and apart.
Finding My True Love
You are my true love.  The woman who I have sought after so many years.  Let my heart reach out to you, fully and completely.  Believe in me, love me.
The Joy of You
When I read this poem, I think of all the times we spend together, and how I never tire of it.  You bring a new joy to my life, that I will never forget.
Incomplete Without You
My life would be empty, my soul bare, I would be incomplete, without have you here.
A Special Gift
The most precious gift you can give anyone is yourself.  As I read this, I know that I have given mari, everything that I am, everything I have, none which I will ever take away, for you, my heart, my mind, my body , and my soul belong to you, take care of them well my love.
Little Things
Mary, as our life goes on, together, you will find that, the little things in life, are the most important, a touch, a massage, anything that shows that I do love you.
Ache in My Heart
Whenever you are not around, there is this ache, the want of not having you here.  Mary, please always be here, to relieve the greatest ache of all, the one that says that I love you and lives inside my heart.
Can I Keep You
Love comes and love goes, and we fall in love with many in our lives.  I want to make sure, that as our lives go on, that you know, I love you and I want to keep you, and stay with you, forever.
It is with a light heart and a smile, that I go to bed each nigh, as I then am able to hold you close in my arms, and make the aches of the day go away.
Incomplete Man
With you, my life now becomes complete.  Thank you Mary, for coming into my life, and becoming my wife.
Time & Eternity
Lying Awake
A Gift The Locket
Our Souls are United Merry Christmas to the Woman I Love
Place in My Heart
Guardian of My Soul Ode to My Love
Love of My Life
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This Guys In Love With You
Last Updated:  August 28, 2000