23 July 2000 
Reading: Time out of Mind - John R. Maxim
Listening: country music
Thinking: So many things I need to do and get caught up with
Drinking: barbarian tea
Ok-o-meter: 7
Quote for the day: You know youre drinking too much coffee when. . . You don't sweat, you percolate
Weather report: sunny

Updated these pages.  Lots happening lately.  Been swimming more.
Animal update: the rat we got for a mate for Benny had babies this morning.  Daisy had been showing for a week or two so I thought I had time.  Wayne calls me today at work and says "she had her babies"  Wow.  There are about 10 or so.

animal count:
1 female ball python
2 male 1 female anole
2 unknown sex turtles
2 unknown sex guinea pigs
2 male 1 female and 10 unknown sex rats

Cut my hair and everyone at work likes it.  I kind of like it too, I just need to get more headbands.

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