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Ramesh's site
Intro Message

This is a brief profile about Ramesh:

Ramesh Kumar Santhanam, (Age 25, From Madurai) got injured in an accident on 7th July 2001 and had a C5 spinal cord injury. A surgery was done but he has lost his senses below his chest and is bedridden since then. Ramesh is getting treated / rehabilitated by National Rehabilitation Center, Washington D.C. He was admitted there as an in-patient until 20th September and is now residing at his friend's apartment in Falls church, Virginia.

He is an employee of a California based company but was in bench since this June and his employer and insurance may not be able to support him for long. Ramesh is in the United States only for the past 7 months.

Ramesh's parents was brought here (by a friends group's help) on 25-Jul-2001 to support him. He is facing a 10% co-pay amount for his medical bills that topped a 120, 000 dollars already. In his friend's apartment, we have rented a hospital cot for him and a wheel chair as well. There were a few leads that led us believe that he will be given those free of cost, but in the end not quiet so.

Doctors say that Ramesh's chances of walking are very remote; it is a very sad thing in such a young man's life. At present he is able to move his both hands, but finger coordination is not there. He is not able to feel or use his legs.

Please lend your support for
1. Prayer support:
You and I know that our God is a mighty God and that he can deliver us from any problem in just a moment. Please pray that he should get up and walk by himself, having no need to spend for a wheel chair; only a miracle by God will make Ramesh walk again.

2. Financial help to Ramesh:
If you wish to participate in supporting Ramesh for his many miscellaneous financial needs, please send a check to:
"Ramesh Kumar Santhanam Hospital Funds Trust"
1201, South Court house Road, #211, Arlington, VA 22204.

(Please remember to write a note about yourself in your cheque or with your cheque)

If you feel like doing so, please take this request to your friends and get their support as well. For those of you in the Washington D.C. Metro area, if you can pay a visit to him, please do so. It will be a great moral support to him.

Ramesh can also be reached at United States telephone number: 1-703-920-3434.