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Abortion Page

My reason for being pro-life and anti-abortion.
Please see the picture at the bottom of the page, and to see a truly amazing picture click on the link below.

The Amazing Samuel at 21 weeks.

My Beautiful Lily



This is my granddaughter Lily.  This ultrasound was done when Lily was 4 1/2 months from conception.  See her head and face, her little arms raised up, her little round tummy, her tiny legs sprawled out.  She sleeps like this even now, at age 5 months.  Lily was born on June 12, 2002 and she is beautiful and sweet and so very precious.

Some babies are aborted when they are the same age as Lily is in this picture.  Their little bodies are torn apart, sucked from the womb that is protecting them, thrown away like garbage.  Maybe you are angry with me for telling you this, for using this picture of my darling grandchild to promote what some see as a political cause.  Please believe me, politics has nothing to do with my motive.  What I want is to try to convince people that abortion kills a real live baby, a Lily.  No one wants to hear what happens to the baby because deep down inside we all know that it is so very wrong.   

My prayer for you if you are pregnant and cannot keep your baby is that you will allow him or her to live.  There are many couples who are aching for a child to love.  Please give your little one the chance to live the life he or she was meant to live. 

My prayer for you if you have had an abortion is that you will ask for and accept forgiveness from God, who is the only one who has the right to judge what you have done.  My heart and love goes out to you.

My personal prayer is one of praise and thanksgiving for my own three fantastic, wonderful children and my five miraculous grandchildren.  Thank you God!

Psalm 139:13-16
13 You formed my inmost being;
     you knit me in my mother's womb.
14  I praise you, so wonderfully you made me;
      wonderful are your works!
     My very self you knew;
15 my bones were not hidden from you,
     When I was being made in secret,
     fashioned as in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes foresaw my actions;
     in your book all are written down,
     my days were shaped, before one came to be.
