Birth Name: Joukuuno Chou Senjo
(Nymph Butterfly of the Air)
Alias: Silphe
Birth Date: December 23
Sign: Capricorn
Birthstone: Zircon
Age: 18
Likes: Having Choices
Dislikes: Being Used
Hobbies: Running
Favorite Food: Creamed Spinach
Least Favorite Food: Ice Cream
Favorite Subject: Track & Field
Least Favorite Subject: Everything Else
Fuku Colors: Orange & Mahogany


Scylla Eruption Power, Make Up! - The ground beneath Senjo splits apart, and both sides rise up like mountains on either side of her. She reaches both hands towards the sky, and a strong wind blows around her. It forms her fuku, boots and gloves in mini showers of dust. The mountains close in on Senjo, completely shutting her in. She punches through them, and as she steps out, her tiara star and tiara form. The mountains descend into the ground, and Scylla stands with one hand on her hip, the other at her side, palm facing the ground.

Scylla Oread Summoning! - Scylla raises her hands to the sky, palms up. A mountain shoots up behind her, and she clasps her hands together, bringing them before her face. On 'summoning,' she trusts her arms to either side, lifts them over her head, then points forward. This attack is used to call forth Oreads (nymphs of the mountains) to help Scylla. The Oreads are skilled at using rocks and the like to attack.

Supreme World Shaking! - Scylla originally only had one attack, that attack being this one. Haruka trained her in the use of World Shaking, but Scylla's was must more powerful than Uranus'. So, she stuck a 'supreme' in front of it. A small golden light forms over her head, and she reaches up to grab it with one hand. As soon as her hand closes on it, golden bursts of light stream from it. The golden light forms into a golden planet of energy floating above Scylla's hand. She spins around once, still holding the planet, then smashes it into the ground. It races along just above the ground towards her opponent.


Senjo is the adopted daughter of Haruka and Michiru Ten'ou, the original senshi for Uranus and Neptune. The reasons why Senjo has powers are unknown, as she is not a blood relative of either senshi. Senjo was originally an outgoing girl who loved sports, especially Haruka's hobbies of motor racing and track. To her close friends and adoptive parents, Senjo was known as Chou (her middle name). After she became Silphe, Senjo grew lazy and disobedient. She would argue with the horsemen about her orders and not carry them through several times. As a senshi, Senjo had no thoughts of revenge against the horsemen for stealing her from her family, but she only wanted to find Haruka and Michiru again, who had mysteriously vanished a few years prior.


Senjo is from the fourtieth century (after the fall of Crystal Tokyo). She was a normal teenager, but fully aware of her senshi heritage. However, she had no senshi powers and severely hated that fact. The four senshi in existance then were charged with the task of preventing the destruction of Crystal Tokyo by the Apocalypse Master. Unfortunately, the senshi failed. They were unable to contend with the burden of their failure, so they gave up all hope and swore to never use their powers again. The call came for new senshi to fight against the Horsemen of Apocalypse, so four were awakened.

Senjo laughed as her 'father' lifted her into the air. Haruka grunted, as the child was a bit on the heavy side. She sat the little girl on her knee and gripped the handlebar of her motor speeder. Senjo reached up to touch the handlebar, but Haruka calmy moved the child's hand away. "Senjo, that's dangerous for you to touch." Senjo and Haruka lookd up to see Michiru standing in a faded green apron in the doorway of their home. "Please come inside, you two. You know how it gets in Tokyo this time of the afternoon." Haruka nodded, and patted Senjo on the head.
"Maybe next time, Chou." She winked at the little girl, then stood and walked towards the house. Senjo remained outside for a while. She spotted a butterfly (which were rare in that age) and immediately began chasing it across the pavement. Haruka stuck her head out the door to call for Senjo, but the little girl was nowhere in sight. Haruka stepped outside in time to see a figure on a black horse n the distance scoop up Senjo. Haruka cried out, but they were too far to hear. The horseman galloped away from the house with an oblivious Senjo on his saddle.
"Michiru," Haruka began sadly, "One of those horsemen. He - took Senjo." Michiru's head snapped up from her food. "Senjo?" Her eyes glazed over, and she fell from her chair. Haruka hurried to her side to catch her before she hit the ground. She allowed a tear to fall from her eye, as she knew they would most likely never see their daughter again.