Name: Silphe
Alias: Joukuuno Chou Senjo/Sailor Scylla
Birth Date: December 23
Sign: Capricorn
Birthstone: Zircon
Age: 18
Likes: Running, Attacking from the Air
Dislikes: Competition
Job: Mercenary for the Horsemen
Outfit Colors: Teal & Teal/Gray


~ Her gargoyle-like wings are basically only used for flying.

Butterfly Glare! - This attack awakens the two stone gargoyles near the top of the Temple of Rebirth. They come to life and spring to her aid within a matter of seconds.

Space Bracelet Blast - In senshi form, this would have been a version of Uranus' attack Space Sword Blaster. Since she learned this attack as Silphe, its intentions and abilities changed. This attack uses the bracelets on either of Silphe's wrists. They glow brightly, and she brings them together. A large blast of dark light shoots out towards her opponent.


Silphe is lazy and disobedient, but almost always gets the job done. Sometimes, she judges her victims and decides not to kill them. Often she is at odds with the horsemen because of this, and argues with them every now and then. She remembers nothing about her life with Haruka and Michiru, as she was stolen when she was only a young girl.


Silphe was once a young girl named Joukuuno Chou Senjo, the adopted daughter of Haruka and Michiru Ten'ou. She chased after a butterfly one day and was kidnapped by one of the horsemen. He took her to the Temple of Rebirth, where she was taught the ways of the horsemen. They trained her to become a mercenary, and when she turned sixteen, she was given her current outfit. The wings were implanted in her back, but the implant turned her skin blue. She became the private mercenary of the horsemen.

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