Daily Devo's for Teens
Know Jesus!?!

It seems that as Christian teenagers we have a hard time reading Gods word and praying. But as a generation that needs to be radically on fire, since these are the last days, there is nothing we need to do more... we need to refocus!

I know myself, that this is something that I have to work on. To be honest, I dont spend as much time at these things as I should. But the first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have one. And I admit that this is one problem that I have.

Getting into Gods word and prayer is indeed a hard task but a necessity. When we do we see things begin to fall into place. WE gain a Godly perspective, we gain peace, we develop a pure heart, but most importantly we develop a sincere personal intimacy with God. We get to know God better!

It may seem hard to study Gods word and some say that it isnt interesting. But Gods word holds so many awesome truths, and it show you so much. It has stories of murder, love and so many other things. Set a time each day to study Gods word. Ask Him for help in understanding what He wants to tell you, and read between the lines, not everything is written straight out.

Prayer seems to be even harder. Wanna know a secret? You can pray anytime and anywhere! Amazing eh? And you dont even have to be kneeling. Ooops, dont tell anyone I told you that. But its the truth! Theres nothing wrong with kneeling, its a sign of surrender and letting God know He has control of your life, that He has authority. Some tips on prayer though; dont lie down to pray! You heard me! How many of you put your head on your bed and fall asleep? Yea, tell the truth, Ive done it too, and youre not alone. Stand up, walk around, but PRAY!

Turn on some soft music, not P.O.D. or hard Christian rock (theres nothing wrong with these, but when you pray you dont want to be doing the head bang!) Turn on some great worship music and start off with worship. During this time, let all your thoughts flow freely, this is the time to let it all out! You dont want to start praying and not be able to focus. How many of us pray and the whole time we are, we cant stop thinking about school work, or supper, or your boyfriend/girlfriend? I do too, but we have to refocus! When we get it all out before prayer, we can be more focused and open to God when we pray! And when you pray take time to be quiet, and to listen to God! We cant pray and tell God all our problems, needs and desires when we dont listen to His! Thats not how a relationship works!

Now with that said, just get into it! Pick a special time each day and do just that. Set a specific time, whether in the morning or night, but set a time each day, and keep it. It takes 21 days to make or break a habit. It may seem to be hard work at first but then itll become a habit. And keep a journal. Write down your prayers. Write down what God shows you in His word, and what He says to you in prayer! Get into His word and prayer and things will start to look up, youll gain a new perspective on things!


Father God, help us to refocus on you! Develop in us that Desire to know you more.  We know it takes work, but to grow in you, to develop a closer relationship with you prayer, and reading your word is something we have to do.  Help us to do these thins and develop a sincerity about them! In Jesus name, Amen!