Daily Devo's for Teens
Daily Devotional Archive
Know Jesus!?!

Archive of Devotionals

Welcome to the devotionals. 
All devotionals will be posted here with the most recent on top
I hope and pray that as you read this devotionals that you would not "see" or "hear" the person that wrote them, but I pray that you would see the ONE who created all and who loves us with a consuming love.

November 14/04 - A Fire In My Bones
November 12/04 - Get Burned!
November 11/04 - Am I To Die For?
Devo Series on Youth in the bible
1 Timothy 4:12: Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young.  But set an example to the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
October 24/04 - 1 Timothy 4:12
October 25/04 - First teen: David - A Man after God's Own Heart
October 26/04 - Second teen: Mary: "I Am the Lord's Servant!"
October 27/04 - Third teens: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego
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October 23/04 - The Oldest Son Syndrome
October 22/04 - Walking on Water
November 8/03 - Access to God
August 30/03 - Guilty as Charged?
August 27/03 - Refocus!
August 25/03 - Being Consumed!
August 16/03 - Run!