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In memory of Emily Joy Holt
The people in my life that deserve a page dedicated to them!
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Emily Joy Holt 2/13/86 - 11/28/03


Emily you left behind quite an impression on all your family and friends. I looked at you so full of life just a few days before you passed, but i guess God had other plans for you. We all love and miss you so much. I look back on these past 10 years that i'v known you and rememeber all the good times we're shared. I will forever keep those memories in my heart and think of you often. Thank you for making me feel special in ur own little ways. Color guard will never be the same without you, Felix and I will have to carry on our traditions and give Amy a hard time. Winterguard won't be as fun but we're making our show this year in memeory of you...there NO DANCING! haha well except for Brandi LoL. Also be sure to never forget to be "smarter than the seat" haha good times! You've taught us all a leason here.......take each day as a gift and tell everyone u love them whenever u get the chance! Well my dear friend i can't wait to see u in heaven someday. but until that day RIP and know we all love u!