Some familypictures

Down here pictures of the parents and sisters and brother of sjef

The grandfather of mother

(father of Bionic Gaia)


The grandmother of the mother

(mother of Bionic Gaia)

Buster-Jessie van Lana's Hof.

The grandfather of mother

(father of Tsisco)

Quasinoir van de Hoge Laer

The grandmother of mother

(mother of Tsisco)

The father of the mother

The grandfather of Sjef

Bionic Gaia of Dark Brightness

The mother of the mother

Sjefs grandmother.

Fandy Black de Condivicnum

The father of father

Grandfather of Sjef

Greco de la Grande Lande

The father of Sjef.


Sjefs mother
A sister of sjef
A sister of sjef
Another sister.She lives at the breeder
Also a sister.
And his brother.
And another sister

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