This page is dedicated to all the Firemen, Police, Volunteers, Service Men and Women and especially to all the family's who have lost loved ones
in the terrorist attack. God Bless them all
for all they do and
have done.

My heart cries for all
 the families that have lost loved ones. I pray the Lord is walking
with them in this time
of need. May we all stand united and strong in the day's to come!!! God Bless Every One

Color Bind 101
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There is a link at the top of this page for the color chart that you will choose your colors from. This part is VERY IMPORTANT:

When you type your code you have to use this formula

This is what it will look like ~[c0000FF]
Please don't for get the small c before every color code!!!
As you are typing, when you put the last ] in the code will disappear.

That's what it's supposed to do!!

This is where you're gona
First we will be binding the color for your
 text in Hardwood. This will make it easier
to use all kinds of colors in your chat.
We are going to use the color BLUE
for this example: This is the formula
you will type in Hardwood!

 Note: Please don't type the word space!!!! And the b stands for BLUE
So if you are using RED you might want to use the letter r

/bind space b=~[c0000FF] then hit enter
(Don't forget that when you type the last ] the code disappears!!!)

Here's the way it will look!!!,,,,
You can copy and paste these codes in Hardwood!

Blue                         /bind b=~[c0000ff]

Red                          /bind r=~[ccc0000]

White                      /bind w=~[cffffff]

Purple                    /bind pu=~[c990099]

Pink                        /bind pi=~[ccc0099]

From now on you will type /b, /r, /w, /pu, /pi in hardwood every time you type and your text will Blue, Red, White, Purple, or Pink

Example: /b Hi everyone in hardwood!!!

Your text will be black as you type it in but when you hit enter it will be BLUE!!!


On to Sentence Color Binding!!!
Let's say you want to make a sentence that says
"Great Game All" in one color!!!

You will type this code in Hardwood:
/ bind space gga = ~ [c0000FF] < (will disappear)
Good Game All!!!! then hit enter

Example:,,,,,, /bind gga=~[c0000FF]
Great Game All!!!! Enter

You can copy and paiste this code for Great Game All

/bind gga=~[c0000ff] Great Game All!!

From now on you will only have the type
 /gga and it will come up Great Game All!!!!


Multi Color and Faded Binds
Here's a great link for Fading
Let's say you want to have your
Great Game All in Multi Color!!

You will type this code in Hardwood:

/bind space gga = ~ [c0000FF] Great ~[cFF0000]
Game ~[c9900CC] All! Enter.

Example: /bind gga=~[c0000FF] Great ~[cFF0000] Game ~[c9900CC] All! Enter.

When you type /gga it will come up
 Great Game All!!!!

You can copy and paiste this code for Great Game All

/bind gga=~[c0000ff] Great ~[cff0000] Game ~[c9900cc] All!!!


/bind hug=~[cFF66CC] H ~[c9900CC] U ~[cFF9900]
 G ~[c0000FF] S enter

Type /hug and HUGS will come up

As far as I know there is no Bind for the fading. You have to do that yourself by using colors that are close to each other and using the code for multi colored binds above!

Start with the darkest color first going to the lightest and back to the darkest!


I Hope you ENJOY!!!!

Page created by: SloppyKisses,,,,, ~:O)