5/27/99 I know, I know, I have sucked about updating lately. You might notice I've been slowly going through the whole archive and redoing all the fic. I added a story by Saber, and updated Lynx's "Secrets & Lies." That's pretty much all the new B/S fic I've seen, so if you have some you wouldn't mind sharing, please submit it!

Welcome to my site. It's got Buffy/Spike stuff. It's by far not the biggest or the best. I can admit it sucks. But I don't care because I like having sites. I have another site that is *gasp* Buffy/Angel. Yup, that's right, I'm a fic slut. Proud of it! Anyhoo, hope you like my site; read the fic- and be sure to send feedback to the authors. Don't forget what your mother said about "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Flames piss me off. Also, if you find any broken links, email me at pamelatho@telebot.net. If you're lucky, I'll fix it. *g* Also, it makes me giddy when people sign the guestbook, so if you get a chance, please sign!

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