St. Martin De Porres
St. Martin De Porres Catholic Church
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Martin de Porres was born in Lima, Peru, in 1579, the illegitimate son of a Spanish aristocrat and a freed black woman from Panama. Despised by his father, as a young boy he served as an apprentice to a barber-surgeon, learning how to cut hair and also how to draw blood, care for wounds and administer medicines. He was devoted to prayer from a very young age.

At 15, he applied to become a lay servant at the Dominican Priory at Lima. He gave himself over to the lowest duties as a servant. He eventually made full religious profession, but had to be commanded by the superior to accept this honor.

His Contribution To The Church

Much of Martins life was dedicated to helping the poor and sick, regardless of their color, race or status. They flocked to the Priory for his care. In the convent, he served in various offices, as a barber and infirmarian. He practiced severe austerities and penance. He raised thousands of dollars through begging to support the poor and sick or to raise dowries for poor girls so they could marry or establish a convent. He was instrumental in founding an orphanage, and, as a lover of animals, kept stray cats and dogs at his sisters house. He also ministered to the slaves brought from Africa, and was said to have been given the supernatural gifts of bi-location (being in two places at once) and aerial flight. Many miraculous cures were attributed to his intercession. He was revered immediately at the time of his death, Nov. 3, 1639.

He was canonized by Pope John XXIII in 1962, the first black saint from the Americas. His feast day is Nov. 3.

How He Can Help You

St. Martin de Porres is known for many patronages, among them interracial justice, African-Americans and public schools. Ask St. Martin to pray that you may be accepting and tolerant of all people, that you may see the face of Christ in those of every race, color and creed.

What Others Said About St. Martin

Pope John XXIII remarked at the canonization of Martin, He excused the faults of others. He forgave the bitterest injuries, convinced that he deserved much severer punishments on account of his own sins. He tried with all his might to redeem the guilty; lovingly he comforted the sick; he provided food, clothing and medicine for the poor; he helped, as best he could, farm laborers and Negroes, as well as mulattoes, who were looked upon at that time as akin to slaves: thus he deserved to be called by the name the people gave him: Martin of Charity.

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