Welcome to Stupid Ink.

Stupid Ink. is a company that was started by two bored high school guys with nothing better to do. Actually, they did have better things to do, but this was much more interesting. They (we) created this site to show off some of the stuff we do in our spare time, and started the company to sound more official than we really are.

We're actually two companies - Eric3 Productions and Mistakes Unlimited - that joined forces to bring you great content like this. Don't you think it's great? No? Well, we do.

Big news!
It's only been what, eleven months since this thing was updated? Well, it's not like there was any new stuff coming in. Anyway, what we did add was the Ben Series of pictures, info on yet another long-forgotten site we made long ago, and a link to a site where you can see videos of us on that Seaflea. And a counter too. If you get bored of this site, go see Idiotspace. But before you go, tell us what you think of the site. We're on MSN and AIM too, so you can drop a line if you want to talk to either of us sometime (although we have no idea why you'd want to...)
people have wasted their time here.
Last update December 2003

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ŠEric3 Productions 2003, a member of Stupid Ink.