To view a site, click on its logo (unless it has ceased to exist). Sites will open in a new window.

Current sites
Idiot Space

Idiot Space
This site started out as a stupid little site created by Ben and remains stupid to this day and will always be stupid. The original colour scheme, an eye-watering red and yellow, was gross enough to be on Fear Factor. Idiot space had no intentions of being anything more than a place where us and our friends could post bios and thus say we were "on the internet", but ever since Ben started making it a site that praised God it began to take off. Soon other people heard about it and wanted to join. And the site, like mold on the shower walls, sort of grew without us really realizing. Then when people from California started joining, we realized we had a big thing. Now with well over 60 members, it's a site where idiots from all over can hang out, talk, and post stuff - it's the stupidest website on the internet, yet somehow it's still cool.
Update: Since early 2005, work on Idiot Space has ceased. But it was fun while it lasted.
By: Mistakes Unlimited

Guys from Canada

Guys from Canada
When we and our friends started making stupid videos, we called ourselves the Guys from Canada, because we were from Canada and were guys. After a while we had quite a bit of content created, so I made this site to show it off.
By: Eric3 Productions

School project sites
Created for an English project in Grade 11, where we had to do a whole ad campaign for a fictional brand of shoe. This was my part of the project. Since I had absolutely no knowledge of HTML at the time, I used Freeway, a WYSIWYG site creator. It's not very pretty and certainly not complete, but for a first website, I don't think it's that bad.
By: Eric3 Productions

Olympic Park

Olympic National Park
When we were in Grade 11, the theme was environmental awareness. The school made a vigorous effort to push this awareness upon us (mostly by assigning extra projects), but few people really cared. I did this site for the 1st semester project. Again, I used Freeway, and because of the way I did it, it only looks good on a Mac running Netscape 2. Everything else slices up the images in a rather ugly fashion.
By: Eric3 Productions

Winter Camping

Winter Camping 2001
An upside of the environmental theme was that a winter camping trip was organized for it. A few select students signed up, including Ben and I. It was among the most incredibly awesome things we've ever done. Plus, we got to miss the mid-year conference and we were able to base our second semester environmental project around it! This site chronicling the trip is the result of that. I (Eric) have a lot more pictures and text sitting around (including some prints we got after we met our leader Phil again a year and a half later). Someday, they may be added to the site. (But probably not.)
By: Eric3 Productions and Mistakes Unlimited

Not-so-dearly departed sites

The AV Club
Way back, Altavista let you make online clubs, and Ben and the Rupkes started one. It's long gone, images and all, except for the text from the FAQ page which was rescued from an old email. It was a fairly stupid site and a lot of its content found new (but short-lived) life at Yak Happy.
By: Mistakes Unlimited (then BJK Software)


No, this was not a site about large flightless birds from Australia. Rather, EmuCity was a site for game emulators and is long forgotten, thank goodness. It looked pretty but that was about it. The content was basically nonexistent and most of the pictures were ripped off other sites that were actually good. A replacement for EmuCity came in later after Ben killed the old one, and surprisingly, it was a heck of a lot worse. (see below)
By: Mistakes Unlimited (then BJK Software)

Yak Happy

Yak Happy
Ben's worst attempt at a website ever. It was the HTML equivalent of throwing raw fish in a blender and hitting frappé. He made it in grade 10 and is ashamed to even have his name credited to such a retarded site. After the succesful launch of Idiot Space, he rid the world of the disgrace of Yak Happy and replaced it with a link to Idiot Space.
By: Mistakes Unlimited (then BJK Software)

Eric3 Space

Eric3 Space
My first attempt at a real web site, made with Freeway. It was hard to update by hand, the colours were boring (black and white), the content stank, the design was squished, the server was lousy, and the whole site in general had absolutely no direction. Plus it was likely to compete with Idiotspace. The summer following, I learned HTML and how to make sites of much higher caliber, whatever that means.
By: Eric3 Productions

ŠEric3 Productions 2003, a member of Stupid Ink.