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My Two Cents....and other Random Deep Thoughts


Sept. 16 2005
Wow, I can't believe I haven't done a commentary in over a month and a half. But with the Hurricane damage and chaos, everything else just doesn't seem as important anymore. I know there are tons of indy workers in the Louisiana and Gulf Coast area affected, and some that haven't been heard from yet. No matter what has happened in the past, you don't wish anyone loss of life or home, unless you're a heartless prick. Hope everyone is safe and sound, and hopefully everything will be back to normal soon.
July 27, 2005
Dont get mad but its gonna be a short one today.
I am so glad to have been a part of the Benefit Brawl for Sean Thompson this past weekend. I was able to see some of my friends I haven't seen in years. What a great show. I am also looking forward to my North Carolina and NWA New South trips with Sassy Vegas and Mikey Manwich, I will have plenty of material and stuff for a whole new commentary when I get back. Be good and come on out to the matches!
June 20, 2005
Well this will probably be a brief commentary today, as so many things are going on, both good and bad that I would be most likely rambling on forever about things that don't even matter. The IPWA show was okay, I was really pleased with the match Joe Kane and I had, but haven't even watched the tape of the rest. The crowd was really into it. The Micro Wrestling (Midget show) was fantastic. I was lucky to be able to work with them and hang out with them after the show. These guys are great and can draw some serious folks. There were over 600 in Ropers that night and everyone loved it. There is a lot of stuff coming up for the month of July that you can read about on the homepage, but one thing mysteriously left out of it was the SXPWA show in Andalusia, AL. A lot of people have asked me about this, and I don't have a clue as to whats going on! Hopefully I'll get some word this week. Well thats it for me take care and god bless and remember:
Only You Can Prevent Bad Indy Wrestling
May 7, 2005
First off RIP Chris Candido. You will be missed. I first remember reading about Crybaby Chris in Smoky Mountain Wrestling and how hot his feud with Boo Bradley (aka Balls Mahoney) was. Then he landed in the Fed as fitness guru Skip of the Bodydonnas. It seems like I knew him (even though we'd never met) because I had followed his career and knew a lot about his exploits in WWE, WCW, ECW and currently TNA. Our prayers go out to Tammy and his family.
Can you believe two commentaries in less than two weeks? Man I am on a role! So it may be short but at least I'm trying. Well, first off it seems like the schedule may be picking up a bit. Always a little slow this time of year. Glad to hear Calvin Rose drew a good crowd of over 125 in Runnelstown last night. And can you believe he did it three days worth of advertising. It was a last minute benefit show for an aqcuaintance of his. Unfortunately I wasn't able to participate since I was commited to the NWA New South. But that should send a signal to somebody that that town has to be run again. I don't know specifics of the card, but I'm glad money was raised for a good cause. A lot of people have emailed me asking about the SXPWA, IPWA, and whats going on with them. All I can say is I'll tell you more as I get it cause I don't know  a whole lot myself! All I have is dates and guarantees. Who knows, but I hope these two promotions get going good and fast. ACW will be promoting in Leakesville MS beginning in May, and I like the way the promoter talks (it usually starts that way haha). Hopefully he will pick up and it will become another good town on the schedule for the dedicated few who are trying to get better. 
New developments in the NSWA/LA Commission war. Apparently things have turned for the better for the NSWA and they are planning a huge summer show already! This is startling news. The month is tentatively June. But no date is confirmed. Don't make it June 11th please (IPWA in Brookhaven that day) No possible way to double shot! Anyways as always stay cool.
April 28, 2005
Man I really hate writing this commentary. For those of you who dont know, the NSWA show this past weekend was cancelled. Very disturbing. Even more so was the fact that STATE F'N POLICE came to Joey Homegrowns restaurant. Now in the middle of all this he said she said bull, friendships are being destroyed left and right. And might I congratulate the people on the NSWA board who feel compelled to use their REAL NAMES. Thats the downside of these message boards. You can post crap without using your real name all you want to. Blame it on someone else. Who cares? I'm glad to say all the heat I've ever gotten on the net was posted using MY REAL NAME haha! But seriously though, with all the crime, drugs and everything else going on in this sick world we live in today, is the NSWA really that bad? I mean, come on. I don't even want to get into the debate about "The Athletic commission can't do anything because its not Athletics". I do believe that says it all right there. And didn't Vince himself dodge some commissions in the late 80's with his admission that it was entertainment. But all commissions are different. But another thing that bugs me is all the people that are so happy to see the NSWA get shut out. Why? Because they wouldn't book you? I don't get booked in a lot of places but I don't want to see them all shut down (well maybe one or two but thats a different story). The petty jealousy of those in the business when it comes to running shows is mind bogling. When Ronnie McDidher and I wanted to run the World Cup tournament, we had people wanting us to get shut down! What the Hell! We were running a freaking benefit for the tsunami victims and people wanted us down. I mean come on, what is up with that? And I really hate that feelings are getting hurt and names being called out with all this stuff. Right off the top of my head I can think of several guys I have been up and down the road with over the years that I consider my all out friends and wouldn't want to lose our friendship because we disagree on the Athletic Commission crisis. And I don't even have to name them because they know who they are. NSWA or the Commission? Thats a personal decision and everyone will have to make their own choice. I went with the NSWA. Will that come back to haunt me? Who knows? Will I be in trouble cause I worked that last NSWA show? Who cares? I worked that show that night because those guys needed me to. And I would have worked last weekend if they hadn't gotten cancelled. For whatever reasons, I don't get booked in Houma, or Bridge City. I don't know why, but I don't. But if I did, and had two guaranteed bookings with them each month, maybe I wouldn't have risked it. But the NSWA is all I've ever had in LA, except for the dearly departed AAW (sigh). NSWA has always showed faith in me and I needed to return the favor. But for those who chose not to, I understand why they did and won't judge anyone for it. And mark my words, Joey Homegrown, Kory, Chris and the whole crew aren't going down without a fight. And they have plenty of backup. Its going to be interesting to see what happens. So either get on the NSWA bandwagon, or GET RUN OVER BY IT!!!

April 4, 2005
Whew! What a weekend. The World Cup of Wrestling is OVER! About 145 people were there and no matter what anybody says, claims or wants you to believe, thats how many were there. Not overly spectacular, but decent nonetheless. And a lot of them were comps, family and ticket giveaway winners. I dont care what anyone else says about anything the fact remains is this: I have never seen a locker room with more talent, ability to get over and have flawless matches, and do so without all the bs and whining of so many other promotions than the one we had in Summit MS. I watched the ENTIRE event 2 times already and caught only 2 flubbed spots that only a trained worker would have seen. And yes one of those belonged to ME! What other promotion can run so smoothly. And not burn out the audience. They were wanting more! However, there were a lot of guys left off the card that I wish could have been there, but weren't simply because you can't book everybody. Most of them know who they are and I hope they didn't take it personally, but hey, there are a lot of card I don't get booked on and I don't care. You can't please everybody, and you can't work everywhere. I honestly don't know if there will be another show or not. Maybe down the line, maybe next month. But one thing is for certain, because of the efforts of guys like Alan Steele, Joe Kane, Homewrecker Ronnie, Kurt King, Sassy Vegas, Bones, Silver Nick, Mikey Webb, Minotaur, Bobby Lambert, El Gallo, Shawn Hilton, Chris Fortmayer, and Travion, I guarantee you that there will be at least 145 people come back to see them.  
Mar. 8 2005
Well unfortunately the IWAS trip was cancelled due to some unforseen health problems within the family that could not be controlled. Well stuff like that happens. NWA New South continues to plug along. Hey they've booked me 2 months in a row! That must be some kind of record! And they've put me in two crappy matches in a row which is not a record. That record belongs to a tie between MCW in Columbia and NWF in Laurel MS. Even though they broke me in I will never forgive them for making me wrestle Misfit! I really hate having bad matches because that is not what the fans paid to see. Those fans want to see something as close to what they see on tv as possible. I've heard promoters say that "the fans don't want to see this WWE crap". But half their crowd has Stone Cold tshirts on. So yes they do want to see that "crap".  So I digress. Meanwhile on the forefront of the NSWA MS event, I am please to say that everything is going as well as it possibly could, and that this could be the indy wrestling event of the year in this state. Which in a nutshell would not be saying much. Hahaha yes I am really hard on indy wrestling in this area but come on. There is some truly awful stuff out there right now and it's depressing. But I am going to get off my soapbox right now and offer the following advice: come to Summit MS on April 2 and see what indy wrestling is supposed to be like. 
Feb. 17 2005
Three months. Well nobodys perfect. Just a few quick thoughts here, for those interested. The main topic on my mind right now is getting myself back into ring shape. Haven't been doing a whole lot lately, just a couple a shots a month. Next weekend marks my first trip back to IWAS in North Carolina since October. Will be hitting the gym hard. If you read this then you've read the news page. Three of IWAS's wrestlers were signed to developmental deals this week. If this doesn't tell you what caliber of wrestlers they use then nothing will. I'm glad Calvin Rose will be making the trip as well. Former ECW standout CW Anderson was present at the last taping and hope he is at these. A match between C-dub and Calvin would be excellent. Another hot topic is the formation of NSWA Mississippi. I, along with Jason "Ronnie McDidher" Dill have been planning this event since late November. Thankfully we have signed 10 sponsors that are confident that this event will be a success. Also this event will be a fundraiser for the tsunami victims, we're glad about that too. We have debated about the card since mid December and are sure we'll have an entertaining one. Its hard to use everyone you want to, but this time, we're certain there will be more follow up events and there will be more cards to book guys on. We have already had a few inquiries about booking some other events for fundraisers at different venues in the McComb area, but as of right now all our irons are in this fire right now. If we can make this event a success then we will proceed with a step forward. Jason and I have blabbed and complained about bad indy wrestling, whats wrong with indy wrestling, who sucks in indy wrestling and why nobody draws or makes money wrestling. Now is our time to step up to the plate and see what we can do. If we can great, but if we don't, well its not for a lack of trying and it certainly won't be because of a bad product! More to follow........
Nov. 17, 2004
Whoops. Over a month and no update. Well sue me ;) A lot going on in life this week and the upcoming weeks. One news piece at a time:
-Yes I have left Memphis wrestling for a while. No heat, no dramatic exits, just a simple explanation and the invitation to return. Its something I needed to do and it wasn't a decision made over night.
-Not a shameless plug, but if you love wrestling- then BUY the ECW dvd. The Rise and Fall of ECW is by far the best dvd I have seen put out yet, and me and McDidher have seen them all. And buy a box of kleenex with it.
-XCW returns!!! I still can't believe it either. The last time XCW ran was 2 years ago in Runnelstown. Now we're going back there and the building will be packed. They have given me the opportunity to wrestle Mikey Webb for the vacant XCW title. I can't wait for this match and opportunity.
-If you read the opening page, you will see I am returning to a fed that I used to work for this weekend. I will not name the promotion yet but if you're a regular reader of the site you already know it. I think there's a lot of money left on the table here and I'm ready to go collect! Apparently they are too.
-NSWA Turkey Weekend Bash. I don't know if thats what they're calling their event but if you're in the New Orleans area, I'd check this show out.
October 5, 2004
*10 bells for the Big Bossman*
Well, after an hour of updating sites and adding pictures, I don't really have a whole lot of interest in typing another long winded commentary. I'll keep it brief:
The NC trip was fun as usual, I think I learned more on that trip than I did my whole first year in the if I can remember it all!
I'm so glad to hear of the success the NSWA is having with their bi weekly shows. I am not glad they conflict with my Memphis schedule! I will make it back one day guys. I am dying to see some of this great action I've been hearing so much about.
Get well to Minotaur! The big man suffered an arm injury and he'll be out a few months. This is one big man that southern indy wrestling cannot do without!
The Atlanta trip? One word: wait.
I'm really looking forward to working in Columbus MS next week for All Pro Wrestling. I haven't gotten to see Mikey Webb work since June and think the promoter is going to tag us up. Thanks to Koko B. Ware for hooking that up for us! This should be interesting.
Haven't heard much going on in MS lately! MS wrestling isn't dead, but it is on life support. Memphis Wrestling cancelled Batesville MS for a very good reason, and hasn't rescheduled yet. But they will.
Well I haven't read anything that I've written that would make anybody mad. And if I did, then I just don't care (Right McDidher)!
August 20, 2004
*Scott is hurt. No commentary today. ByeBye.
July 28, 2004
Wow, almost three weeks...whoops. A little bit of feedback on the fantasy indy card, most with alterations to the card, a new ref here, a new worker there, a whole new card there hahaha. Well these past three weeks have been really busy, and I can honestly say I wouldn't have it any other way. Memphis Wrestling drew 4,000 to the Coliseum for ThrowBack Night. I don't care what anyone says..about who they paid what, how many times they used who, thats 4000 freakin' people! That's good for anywhere no matter how you look at it. The NWA Athens trip was a riot! Me, Dustin Starr, Alan Steele, and Ronnie McDidher. What a combination! This trip was so fun and I think we all had a great time. I'm looking forward to going back. The promoter there is a real man of his word and has a great following. If looking forward to working with TCWA in Memphis at Mud Island this weekend, not sure who I'm working but it'll be fun no doubt. I'm looking forward to going to Atomic Kid Randy King's wedding this weekend, I haven't seen Max Pain in two years and I hear he's going to be there. I heard where the Water Park Boys are running another show in a few weeks...gee, won't make that one! Also was interested to see the Full Throttle Wrestling has some very interesting news about the ownership of the promotion. If you can find it, check it out...well sorry for the lame commentary today, more of a little news update eef yew weeeelll! Well maybe I managed to write one of these without pissing anyone off!!!! Ha ha or not.
July 8, 2004
You won't believe this. I had typed up the fantasy indy card I had spoken of last time, and right before the finished product was being published, the computer crashed, losing everything in the process. Now is my chance to see if I have what it takes to be an indy booker. Everyone has their own thoughts as to who should be pushed, what will draw money, etc. and these are mine. As I stated last month, I firmly believe "rasslin" (vomit bag please) to be dead in this area, and a good combination of entertainment and modern style wrestling to be the trick. I tried to utilize who and what I feel would be an interesting card. Now I have set a few guidelines for my own card:
 No current WWE or TNA "big names" either.
 -All talent is local, or within reasonable driving distance.
-I have not set up any angles, I was looking at this as a one time only event. Adjustments could easily be made to change that on any of these matches in case of a successful event.
-I have establishes a budget of $700 for this "event".
-I have not booked "my boys" so to  speak, as that will become crystal clear.
- One issue I had a hard time with was the decision to book myself or not. Knowing I would get criticized if I did, but would fool if it was my own show andI didn't...I came up with a solution that will go both ways.
- I have pointed out heels and babies, but did not state who would win or lose.
Okay so here goes:
Fantasy Wrestling Federation Summer Bash 2004
referees: Billy Etheridge and J.D. McKay
ring announcer: Jeff Revete
1. "All That" Alan Steele (h) vs. Derrick King (b)
If this was your standard Tennessee indy wrestling card, this would be a barn burning main event. Both of these guys can get a crowd hanging on to every word, move and would be a perfect opener for this event. MS fans wouldn't be familiar with them which is why they aren't higher up on the card. But after this match, they will be.
10 minutes.
2. 4 Way Cruiserweight Elimination Match
"Miracle" Mikey Webb (b) v. AC Brown (b) v. Aeon Flex (h) v. Nick Wonder (h)
Regardless of how anyone else feels, crowds do want to see high flying, high impact wrestling. They want to see moves that defy reality. Sure maybe not non-stop, but some nonetheless. This match has two guys AC/Flex that have been around a while and can carry the match psychology wise. Mikey and Nick, for what they lack in psychology at this point more than make up for it by going balls to the wall. I would make sure that it wouldn't be a cluster or a spot fest, and knowing these guys, it wouldn't. It would be amazing to watch.
15 minutes.
3. Comedy Match
Minotaur vs. Koonta
It would be nearly impossible to follow that up, and would be unfair to any worker to put them in that position. So in that case, you'd need to book a match that obviously wouldn't be expected to. In this case you'd need a good big man (Minotaur, or Lord Humongous were my main two options, either would be perfect for this match). And a good little man. If you've never seen the Koonta gimmick, then you should. Regardless what anyone has said about the man portraying it, this is a hilarious gimmick to see in person. They'd give the fans something to laugh at, and obviously entertain them. I wouldn't go for an all out squash, but just enough believeablility to where it doesn't seem that way. Also I wouldn't position either as the heel or baby, in this case, I think the fans should decide.
8 minutes.
----15 minute intermission---
The babies that have already worked should come out and meet the people (and as always, HAWK THEM GIMMICKS!!!HAHAHA
4. Semi Main Event.
The Lifeguards (Scott and Dustin Starr) vs. The Leading Edge (Monty Warbucks and Calvin Rose) with Travion.
This would be a fun match from the seats and being involved with it. Monty and Calvin really click as a tag team, and I can't for the life of me understand why any promoter would split them up, especially with the lack of credible tag teams in the south. I really enjoy teaming with Dustin and the Lifeguard gimmick is incredibly over. Combine that with the Edge's ability to get a crowd riled up and you'd have magic.
Okay so I can't book myself??? Then here you go smarty pants:
The Rajun' Cajuns (Denny Cooley and Blade Boudreaux) vs. The Leading Edge.
Everything said about the match above can be applied here. I love the Cajun characters and, from what I've seen, so do the people. Why they don't get booked down here more is beyond me.
15 minutes
5. The Main Event.
Al Savage (tween) v. John Saxon (f) vs. Joe Kane (b)
Now this match would keep the audience spellbound. I considered having singles matches with any combination of the three, which would be an outstanding match any way you look at it.  Take these three and let them do what they do best without any restrictions and just let them go. It would be sudden death rules and could be something to build on for future events.
20 minutes.
There are a lot of guys out there that could fill any of these roles, but can't book everybody. This is what I would do in my role as booker man.
Well I believe that does it for me. I would enjoy this event even if I wasn't on it. However, I know there are those out there that would probably disagree with every word I have said and that's their right. So if the three people that read this feel the need, deposit all hate mail and comments here: Or via message board. Now on to another road trip! Late
June 24, 2004
Hmmm...seems that a few more people read this than I give myself credit for. The commentary that I wrote for May 27 seems to have been the talk of that event. Thats not what I was aiming for but I'm going to elaborate even more this time. And if you don't like it-STOP READING. Have you stopped yet? Then you're probably not going to so here goes. So I ruffled a few feathers with the "old relics" comment. Well that was kind of harsh and I probably shouldn't have said that but I can't take it back. But fact remains that the card was lazily booked. Some of the matches reeked of sub standard indy booking. One match booked because the two guys have absolutely great matches together, so its been booked 1000 times over the past two years. But fact remains these two are MADE to be a tag team and I'm sure they would agree. Two guys show up and hope to work and do because there's not enough workers. I feel for these two guys because they are tremendously talented but are always used as filler material. Now I understood that the house was actually decent, not great but solid. But the show, as usual-was a money loser. Sad, because one of the few people that runs shows in the south actually promotes his stuff, but like I told him- He's booking what HE wants to see and not what the fans want. Full Throttle Wrestling proved by their show in Jackson, MS in May that fans in the south don't want "Rasslin" a term that makes me sick. They want the WWE and TNA style wrestling and entertainment mix. FTW drew  well over 800, by solid workers, booking, and teamwork. And no, I wasn't on the show so thats not why I'm putting it over. But why am I? Because he proved that wrestling can STILL be a draw down here. It is 2004, and wrestling has evolved. It has left some behind. Its up to a select few to continue on with it. It takes more to win a crowd over that it did  yesteryear. Not just headlocks and armlocks and a few masked guys. I am short on time today, but my next commentary, which I will post maybe later in the week. Will answer one question that I'm sure a lot of these guys are asking themselves: "Okay, oh wise and wonderful Scott, since we don't really know what we're doing (sarcasm btw), why don't you tell us what we should do." Okay I will. Next time-I will book a fantasy indy card and will also fill you in on some of the best kept indy secrets today. Workers that are just a step away from the big time and you've probably never heard of.    Peace out, and remember-only YOU can prevent bad indy shows.
June 11, 2004
Well not quite a month...but close anyways. Well tha sad part is the Full Throttle Wrestling event got cancelled this weekend. The good news is I get a well deserved weekend off!! Whoo hoo! I don't know what to do with myself. Oh yeah I do...absolutely NOTHING! Well last month's commentary ruffled a few feathers. Good. Maybe it will get some people thinking. After a discussion with one of the people in the aforementioned commentary, I got the impression that there maybe some hope after all. Only time will tell. A few big events coming up in Alabama and Tennessee, including Memphis Wrestling's next big event in the Mid South Coliseum, on July 10. Unfortunately though, the July 10 Coliseum show meant the postponement of Global Pro Wrestling's Mississippi debut in Summitt, MS. That was very upsetting, but hopefully it will happen soon. Talent was not notified of the July 10 Memphis Wrestling show until this past weekend, while the Global show had been scheduled for a few weeks before. Dusin Starr, Alan Steele, Derrick King and myself were among those scheduled to be at both. Well, have to go with the lesser of two evils. I told Dustin, Alan, and Derrick that I was sure Memphis Wrestling would understand not being at the Coliseum. HAHAHA. Now if you believe that I have some Floridian Swamp Land to sell you. Working the Coliseum is one of the greatest honors you can get in wrestling, ranking right up there with working Madison Square Garden, The Omni, and the Sportatorium. Memphis  has given my career a huge boost and I owe them a LOT. There are some good people who really know the business inside and out, and they are taking the time to teach us young guys the ins and the outs of it all. I highly encourage anyone serious enough about the business to send a tape and try to get some work over there. Its great. But anyhoo, a few quick hitters I'd like to talk about:
Bradshaw-did he really do the Nazi salute? I'd like to see it.
Kenzo Suzuki-is he taking Mordecai's push?
The Rise and Fall of ECW DVD-Its coming, and I hear Monty Warbucks (and myself) drooling over this one!
Mordecai-the Lord of the Rings gimmick is interesting, but will it last, or will they change him
The Great American Bash-some are upset about the WWE's use of a former WCW tradition. But, all I can say is, when's StarrCade???
Matt/Lita/Kane-I have an idea where this is going, but wouldn't Lita (who hasn't been a heel in WWE) be great as Kane's evil red and black sidekick?
La Resistance-the Canadian crowd reaction to them winning the World tag titles from Edge and Benoit was unreal. Unfortunately with the movement of the Dudleys to SD! there's no competition for Resistance on RAW. I hear the crowd's faintly chanting LifeGuards!? Ok ok maybe not.
Eugene-I gotta admit, I love it.
William Regal-best facial expressions of anyone on the Raw show.
Well enjoy your weekends and be fruitful ;)
May  27, 2004
Well just shy of a month. Two days, close enough. The past month has been filled with some very interesting things, some good, some not so good. First the good-Memphis Wrestling is a blast, simply put. Where else can you work 2-3 shows in a single weekend, and on top of that work with guys like Jerry Lawler, Tracey Smothers, Bill Dundee, Koko B. Ware, Jimmy Hart, and so many others? Not many places in the south. LAW has been really fun to work as well, there is some great talent there. However, on the down side, I recently saw some things that greatly disturbed me. Kurt King and I recently went back to Columbia, MS for ECW. Trust me, it wasn't pretty. We went back for one reason: to possibly work with "Outlaw" JD McKay for the last time. Thats all. We went there for him and that is it. But what happened there was sickening. First two guys, nice enough guys, attempted to have a match. And I do say attempted. After attempting to lock up, which neither knew how to do, one shot the other into the turnbuckle and apparently didn't call a spot and the two wound up running into each other, breaking one guys arm and knocking the other one out. And this isn't second hand information. I wanted to see this "match" and was getting a birds eye view. The guy that recieved a broken arm had earlier said "I don't know what I'm doing in there, I shouldn't be in there". A few matches later, a guy who had already worked, but was working again because there was nobody for his opponent to work broke his leg. Now instead of telling this guy, "hey look, there's just not room on the card for you this time"  they decide to re use somebody, and set up a pretty lame angle to have a purpose for this match. Just a minute into is, this guy, in his second match of the night, goes for what he calls a dropkick and apparently breaks his leg. The sight of this guys leg bent out from under him was sickening. The look of pain on this guys face made me feel for him. I didn't like the guy, he was a prick and his claims of wrestling in ECW were laughable. But I wouldn't wish this on anyone. But the fact remains, that there are two guys hurt that shouldn't have been hurt. Why? Because they shouldn't have been in the ring. None of them knew a thing. They were there because they work free and they just want to "rassle". That's the reason why. And thats what sickens me about wrestling in a lot of places in MS (and I'm sure its everywhere). Why should a guy like Joe Kane, Steve Southern, Jacey North, or Blade Boudreaux be sitting at home (not because they don't get booked because they do, just examples) when Jo Blo is wrestling and killing himself for free. Thats just a few of the guys I could name. Because these sorry outlaw feds know they arent going to draw any one or any money, and can't pay these guys. Another fed that hasn't run anything in almost a year is coming back, and instead of booking talent that can go, they're dusting off a bunch of relics that haven't worked in months.  Well, thats why you don't draw money or fans. Laziness and cheapness. There's some really talented guys down here that don't go anywhere because of it. They'd gladly drive 4-5 hours to get to a show. Why not utilize these great workers? Your show can only benefit from it. Nobody calls me to do these shows anymore because now that I'm actually getting some exposure and making a little money doing this I'm all of a sudden out of favor with some of these guys. That's fine. It got back to me that one of these losers said I haven't paid any dues. I'm not going to waste my time acknowledging him because he's probably worked maybe 3 times is the past year. Some of the Wildside guys drive from Georgia to Pennsylvania and New York for Ring Of Honor events. Now that's paying dues. A group of guys that drive from Texas to Georgia once every 14 days for the good of their careers are paying dues. Those guys are the ones that will get the dark matches for WWE, Japan and Mexico trips, and shots in TNA. What will the part time "rasslers" down here ever get in return for all their "hard work"? Broken bones. So next time you want to jump in a "rasslin ring" and you admittedly state you don't know what your doing. Then do us all a favor and stay home, watch Friends and eat refied beans or something. Don't waste your time.
April 29, 2004
Well, a month and four days. Oh well, I guess the two people that read my commentaries oh my mistake, three (LA, RJ, and RMc) are used to it! Well what to write about today...? So much going on in Memphis Wrestling, and Lethal Attitude Wrestling that I don't know where to begin. First off, I must say that it is great to be teaming with Dustin again as the Lifeguards. We had 3 matches as a tag team in 2 days and had some really good matches. At the Mid South Coliseum, we defeated "All That" Alan Steele and Johnny Dotson in a very fast paced 7 minute match. Then on the live tv broadcast we dropped a contest to the Sexy Assassins, as the referee lost control of the legal masked man in that situation. Then we faced the Jimmy Hart led duo of XWF champion Shock and Koonta. Let me tell you first hand, after watching Jimmy Hart work for years, it is hard to wrestle having him at ringside, interfering, yelling thru his megaphone and everything else. That was a good match as well and we recieved some very positive feedback from the agents in charge. Later that night at LAW's Spring Breakout 2004, which had over 200 in attendance, I defeated Mr. Showtime in a rematch and Dustin beat Seth Knight by reverse decision. We are looking forward to chasing the LAW tag team titles. This week is an easy week, a quick stop in Columbia MS for -gasp-ECW  on the way home to McComb, for a RARE Saturday off. Then back to Memphis next week for more TV and LAW rasslin'! Peace out, homies and look for another commentary in May!!! Hahahaha
March 25, 2004
Well another month has passed with no commentary. What a suprise. Computer viruses tend to do that to you. Combine that with moving as well as the headache of trying to secure a new vehicle as well as another *sigh* new job. That is something that I'd like to touch base on today. This month I celebrated my 3rd year in the wrestling business. Not 3 years since I first started training, but 3 years since my first match. My first match was in Laurel MS 3 years ago against "Nightmare" Kris Kaos. And was it horrible!!! But luckily, instead of bashing it as it so well deserved many there offered advice and tips on how to fix what was wrong with it. But thats another story. In my three years inside the ring, my life has been just as crazy outside of it. Many of those who know me know how many out side the ring jobs I have had since then. Here's a look at some of the outside the ring hilights:
2001-USM Food Services, O Charleys, The Mallard, Garfields
2002-(got married) Kips Gymnastics, USM Food Services.(graduated USM)
2003-Backyard Burgers, McDonalds, Krispy Kreme
2004-Steak Out.
That is 10 jobs in 3 years. Ridiculous it seems. But there is a reason. I have a college degree. Shouldn't I be working a 40-50 hour a week, Monday thru Friday job with insurance, benefits, and a 401K plan? Maybe I should, but I'm not. But thats my choice.The second I start that (and I did, twice) I have to say goodbye to a lot of my bookings. There is no way to leave the office at 5, and be at a show in Nashville or Lafayette before bell time. It can't be done (safely, anyway). The simple reason that I have had so many jobs is that I refuse to work a job that isn't flexible with my travel schedule. How else would I be lucky enough to be able to go to NC, GA, or TN at the spur of the moment. The only way to make a name for yourself in this business is to work as many places as possible, as often as possible. Sticking strictly to MS indies won't cut it. Realistically, how many of them are there right now? I just want what every other indy guy wants: to make a living in this business. Regardless of what anyone else says, it can be done. If you can live off  $100-200 a week haha. That's why I never leave home without the gimmicks. I finally started a job where my only required days are Monday thru Wed. and the rest of the week can be optional. Hallelujah (at least unless I ever get a call from TNA, then oh man its on to job #11). Not really. I look back at the past year and think in awe of the places I've been able to see and work. And the number of guys and the quality of people I've been working with. And I don't want to reverse the trend by working a "real" job. There is nowhere to go but up in this business, and the possibilities of one day making it to WWE, TNA, Japan, Mexico, or wherever are there, no matter what anyone else says. Ultimately, the time is going to come, when I have to step back and say, "it ain't going to happen, get a real job you bum." But that time is not right now. There are thousands of guys in the same spot I'm in, with more talent, better looks, and more connections. But in the end, its all going to come down to one thing:
Who Wants It The Most.
Peace out
Feb 22, 2004-
Well, not quite 2 months, but well over two weeks. The longer I go without a commentary the more there is to write about. One thing that definitely deserves mention is the roll that NWA New South has been on lately! Man, can those guys draw or what!? Over 800 in January, 200+ on Valentine's Day, and close (if not more) than 1000 in Cleveland, MS the week after!!! Add to the fact that these people are hot the whole night long. And it doesn't take much to please them. The guys that are doing to much need to take a lesson from guys up there like Ricky Murdoch, Doug Gilbert, Joe Kane, etc.  And that lesson is: LESS CAN BE MORE! I know a few guys that can learn from that motto as well. sometimes the When, Where, and Why is more important that the What and How, if that makes sense. But then again the chances of anyone reading this are slim to none so it doesn't really matter. Haha. Well after months and months of rumors and speculation...MPW finally debuted in front of a crowd estimated at 150-175 on a Wed. nite in Hattiesburg, MS. A action packed show with a hot crowd made for one unforgettable night. I especially had a great time in my match with Tan vs. Kurt King and Jacey North. I hadn't seen Tan in action in over a year, and man has he improved! Tan, Jacey, Kurt are truly talented individuals. All possess great ring presence. That match definintely has to go down as one of my favorites. I'm really looking forward to my one on one with Kurt this Wed. nite. I think its going to be a blast. Well off to start another week, of donuts, weights, and rasslin'! Peace out and keep those emails comin!
Feb. 2, 2004
I did it again! Over 2 months without a commentary update. Well hopefully the one person that reads them will not be too mad at me haha. I have several items I want to comment on, and here they go:
IWA NC: Two weeks ago, myself, Mike Thrash, Kurt King, and Mikey Webb all traveled to Raleigh NC to compete for the Indy Wrestling Allstars tv tapings. The talent there was unbelievable, as there were guys from all over the country, including NWA TNA"s Matt Stryker, Sonny Siaki, and other stars such as Roman, Boogalou, Brad Hunter, Bounty Hunter, Brad Attitude, Matt Dillenger, Aeon Flex, Ron Fargo, and Confederate Kid to name a few. It was a great chance to test ourselves against some of the best the US has to offer. And I would like to think that we all did very well. Mikey and I will be returning this week, and I am scheduled to face Siaki on one of the days. Does the word "nervous" ring a bell?
HIW Fl.: This event the day after Christmas drew a few fans, but my scheduled match with Chad Cheetum was changed (bummer) and I was inserted into the 6 man cruiserweight match (bigger bummer). However, the bout was ok, and I was asked to come back on the 31 of Jan. Strangely, the promoter never called me back. But its cool...stuff happens. I'm always open to going back. I had fun at that event.
MPW MS: Hey, want in on a little secret? I am MPW Owner HAHAHA shhhh don't tell anybody. Remember it's a secret. Seriously though, I had always wanted to run my own promotion. But not this early. The original owner backed out VERY unexpectedly. I had to do something, too many people had been counting on MPW getting going, and the deal that Kurt King and I had made with Sports Rock Cafe to do wrestling there was too great of an opportunity to pass up. Hopefully, I can  succeed as a wrestling promoter. And just for anyone who cares, I do not define success as running once a week and "breaking even" or even drawing 50 or more fans on a regular basis. I define success as a combination of making money, drawing fans, and keeping talent happy and storylines fresh.
AAW LA: Well, they say its over, but there's always a last breath. Rumor has it that the southern Indy powerhouse is through, but a rumor of a finale show has been floating around. I can't tell you how much this promotion did for my career. They put me on the map by having faith in me to work matches with some of their top flight talent. Even if AAW never runs again, I will never forget the opportunity Judd and Chad gave me.
AWF AL Haha fooled you! It's over and I have nothing to say about it.
Well that sums it up, I guess I'll update again in a few months hahaha!
Nov. 24, 2003
Whoops! I didn't mean for a nearly a month to go by without updating. But as we all know stuff happens, and we are all busy with our lives, inside and outside the ring. First off, I have very mixed emotions about two recent wrestling couples. I'd like to extend a very heartfelt congratulations to Monty Warbucks and his new bride, Mecklynn! The two were wed this month and here's to many happy years for the newlyweds! Unfortunately, if you read JD McKay's board ( ) then you probably read about his recent separation from his wife, The Princess Cowgirl, Diana. This is so sad. This was and still is the premier couple in Mississippi wrestling. They have worked for every fed in MS and always generated great heat, and had great chemistry together. I became aware of the situation after the recent ECW card in Columbia, after which myself, Lacey, JD, Matt (Mikey Webb) Robin, and Ryan (Kurt King) Jackson had dinner at
KFC. He told us essentially the same thing he said on his board, and here's praying that this fine couple can work their differences out. Some other quick remarks, NWA Wildside is a fantastic place to work. The workers were top notch, and the quality of the matches were second to none. The debut of GSWA was a success too, drawing 125 to the baseball field in Poplarville. A great match between myself and Ryan was turned into a mediocre one as the ring condition (it was an outdoor show, and of course it was drizzling) severly limited our mobility. We'll get to do it again soon though. I know he's anxious for me to kick his green butt hahaha! Seriously though, he's developing quite nicely, and within a year or two he'll be one of  MS's top indy workers. I am very pleased to announce that the NWF will be returning to Sandersville on Dec. 5th. And even more please to announce that I was invited to be a part of the card. No matter what has happened in the past, the NWF is where I started and it is always a pleasure to work there. And lastly, yes there is an organization calling itself ECW. Using several workers from the old MCW ran by the late Red Lewis(RIP), they also used Webb,King, myself, Calvin Rose,  Ruftop, Southern Comfort, JD, and Eddie Breland. They drew a nice crowd, and while I'm not crazy about the extreme infringement of copyright use and the attempted hardcore shenanigans, they paid us nicely and were complimentary of our work. And they're pretty close to home, and given the opportunity to go back. Also be sure to check out the new pictures on the site! Thanks to for sending them this way! Peace out, and Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!!
Oct. 30, 2003
Not much to report since the last update....working on a few things right now, but don't want to let the cat out of the bag so to speak. The planning for MPW is still a work in progress and hopefully more news will be coming. I'm also very sad to hear about the deaths of Stu Hart and Michael "Road Warrior Hawk" Hegstrand. Unfortunately, all I knew about Stu was what I read in magazines and books. I never had the opportunity to see him work in his prime. But his legacy will remain forever, and his influence will be felt forever, having helped train ring greats such as Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, Chris Benoit, all the Hart Brothers...the list goes on and on. May he rest in peace. The death of Road Warrior Hawk really hit home with me as did the deaths of Curt Hennig and Rick Rude. Those were three of the greatest workers of the peak era of wrestling in the mid-late eighties. A lot of people didn't know this, but before becoming a Road Warrior, Hawk worked as Crusher Von Haig in a German storm trooper gimmick before being paired with Animal. The most influential tag team of all time-NO MATTER WHAT!!! Think of the generations of tag teams that LOD influenced. Demolition. The Powers of Pain. Kronic. The Eliminators. The list goes on and on. Who will ever forget some of the great moments in LOD history? Versus Crusher Blackwell and Baron Von Raschke in the AWA, vs. The Midnight Express in the NWA and vs. the New Age Outlaws in the WWF. Hawk will never be forgotton,
"Ohhhhhhh WHAT A RUSH!!!!!"
Oct. 15, 2003
Short one we're *finally* putting some real pictures up on the site!  Its in the works, and should be finished by the end of the week. The AAW show was pushed back, a major disappointment. But they will be back in action soon. After about 3 weeks off, I will be working for Bob Serio in Greenville this weekend. I haven't been up there since January, and am eager to go back. Its always a pleasure to work up there, and they always have a great crowd. The wheels for the new organization alluded to on the opening page have been turning for a month now...and I think with the right ideas and proper business practices that it has a great chance of succeeding. I am helping them in several aspects of the wrestling side of things, and Kelly (the owner) is taking a cautious approach to this. He's treating it and his wrestlers as investments, and himself has some great ideas previously unexplored by promotions in MS. I'll be back with more later.....and about "the Masked Superstar", I plead the 5th!
Sept. 13, 2003
After last weekend, its kind of hard to believe I finally have a weekend off. Although I will be working out with a young up and comer in preparation for his first series of matches, no shows this weekend. Last weekend was all kind of a blur. The great All American Road Trip. Earlier that week I was talking to Jacey North and complaining about how I didn't have any work that weekend. However, that would change in a hurry, as Thursday I recieved a phone call from Bob Ryder of I had met Bob a few weeks earlier at the AAW show in Louisiana. If you've never met him, Bob's a great guy. He has a great mind and many organizations take advantage of it by having him assist with booking talent and such. We had spoken and told me that there was a gimmick he'd like me to try for Bert Prentice in USA Championship Wrestling in Nashville TN. He called me on Thursday to see if I could be in Nashville by Friday!  Luckily, I'm in the "lame duck" phase of employment, finished with one job, waiting for another to start. After discussing the issue with my wife, who wasn't able to go. I called my good old buddy/agent/gimmick salesman/accountant Jason Dill to see if he could accompany me on the trip. After assuring me that he could, we left at 7 am Friday morning on our journey. Jason and I have traveled many road trips before but none this long. We arrived at the Fairgrounds two and a half hours early and no one from USA Wrestling was there yet. So we basically entertained ourselves by checking out the fair, and harrassing carny freaks. The show started at 6 pm and I worked veteran Lucky West. As soon as that was over we hit the road to Lebanon TN which was about 20 min. away for an 8 pm show. After working the two events, we weren't sure about sleeping quarters. We'd made decent money from selling gimmicks and everything, but hotels rooms eat into the profits real fast, even though they are tax deductible. However, a last minute invitation from one of the workers saved us from having to spend the night in my ever famous green Geo Metro. April Pennington ( ) of TNA fame invited us to stay with her and her fiance Christian at their apartment in Nashville. We went out that night to a local club, with my tag partner for the evening Dustin Starr and his lady friend. After hanging out for a few hours we made it back in for some rest and a longer trip the next day, as we went from Nashville to Sheffield AL which was about a 3 1/2 hour drive. That night I wrestled Kasey James, who is about as old school of a heel as you can get. I had watched his matches with former NWA champion Colorado Kid Mike Rapada the night before and had taken some mental notes. Not knowing we were going to be working each other, it was a pleasent suprise, as I was expecting to team with Dustin again to face the Phoenix Twins from Chicago IL. For about 15 minutes, me and Kasey tore the house down in a great old school match. He is already established in that territory as a heel, and had great heat. Since I was a relative newcomer, him having as much heat as he did helped me out tremendously. It wasn't hard to win the crowd over and get them into the match, although in the end he escaped with a pin with his feet on the ropes. As soon as the match was over we began the drive back to Hattiesburg, which was about 5 hours, but turned into 7 after wrong turns and stops. We made it home at 5 am and preceeded to sleep the day away. Working up there with those guys is a real eye opener to what the business should be like. There were guys up there that were 20 years old, but had been working 5 years, veterans, and guys who had been all over the place. Several of their guys have had dark matches with NWA TNA, and two even had dark matches at Raw and Smackdown the following week. Everyone worked as a team and put on great shows. Solid leadership, great psychology, and gimmicks that worked and workers that knew how to get the crowds into it made for terrific shows. I was lucky to be a part of it. Now......if we can just start doing that in Mississippi.....
Peace out.
