Arabic Gnosis Volume 1 Presentation
Esoteric Communion
Esoteric Community
Esoteric Communion
The End of Times
The Personailty
Arabic Gnosis 1 Presentation Page 2
Extracted Esoteric Themes

Nature Of Times

Today no one alive with any remnant of sensibility in his soul can deny the finality of our era. We all know that the end is at hand and we all know that man, us, that is you and me, are all called upon to make a final attempt to avert the drastic character of this finality.

Some may think rationally that we are speaking of external actions but the truth which our heart or ‘true intellect’ tells us is that the actions which need take place are all internal.

As this great cycle reaches its end, Time is not in our favor with regard to this most urgent problem that faces humanity, namely the need for emergence of the New Man, in other words the new, esoterically developed human type of men and women, who can lead mankind past this dangerous phase where a crumbling morality coexists with supreme technological progress.

Immediately, also due to the nature of the present Times, a warning must be uttered to protect this would-be New Man from all the pseudo-esoteric writings and teachings, which have become extremely widespread, and which at best lead nowhere.

Site Objectives

To bring essential subjects to the fore that can help this would-be New Man in his search and orientation.

To compile topics from the works of the foremost masters from all Traditions – hence the name Esoteric Communion – with the least binding necessary to make the compilation homogenous and coherent.

To provide an extensive bibliography within relatively small articles that would guide the reader to the works of genuine esoteric masters both east and west.


Every month or less an article will be published, bringing sufficient detail to cover the essential aspects of the topic and stimulate interest without being exhaustive. The reader who finds interest will be called upon to deepen this in himself through further efforts and readings...

There is no claim to teaching anything and for this reason the site is not interactive.


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