HOME    MODERN AGE   Baal & Associates

Created by Bob Justice

Big Red
Alter Ego:
Clint Harmon
Occupation: Outlaw
Known Relatives: none living
Group Affiliation: Baal & Associates

Clint Harmon was a preacher’s son in the mid-1800s and was the black sheep of the family. He was a moody child with a volatile temper. As he grew up, he was increasingly difficult to handle and ran away from his strict parents when he was 12. Big for his age, he was able to pass for a teen and made his way west. He had no patience for anyone and became more violent as he grew, even he could not keep track of the number of fights he had or the men he had killed by his eighteenth birthday. He was always on the run and the expanding west was like his playground. He avoided towns except when absolutely necessary, living off the land and preying on travellers. He decided that he liked killing people, so he volunteered his services to settlers who needed Indians removed from their land. Now, he was the happiest he has ever been. He was paid to kill people and was admired for it. He came across a shaman traveling on a soul quest with two braves. Simply in the mood to kill something, he attacked them. Shooting the braves with his rifle at a distance, he intended to have fun with the old man. He cursed, beat, spit on, and abused the shaman saying he was a worthless redskin, hardly worth his sweat. With his dying breath, the shaman laid a curse of his own on Harmon and caused his skin to turn bright red. Being looked at as a freak made him even more surly and he roamed about the west murdering anyone whom looked at him. Eventually, he was overpowered by a band of Indians who beat him nearly to death and left him staked to the ground, naked and spread-eagled, in the desert to die. He got to the point of delirium and saw a man dressed in a white robe like an angel in his Father’s Bible. The man asked him if he wanted to live and Harmon replied, "Only if I can keep killing Redskins and anyone else I please." thinking he was expected to ask forgiveness or repent his sins to be saved. The figure laughed and said, " Pay the price and do what you wish!" Harmon replied "Anything you want." The figure disappeared, his wounds were healed, and he felt stronger than he’d ever been before. He ripped free of the leather bindings as it they were twine. He was super-humanly strong and tougher than nails. He began slaughtering any Indians he came by with his bear hands. Bullets barely bruised him and knives could no longer pierce his skin. Then, he tried to attack the tribe that Manitou was with. The battle ended with Harmon restrained, but alive, only because Manitou could not find a way to kill him. Manitou created a mystical prison binding Big Red in a small figurine of a cowboy for eternity, he hoped. In the 1980’s, a minor sorcerer named Jaimie Shaw attempted to gather objects of mystic power to use in a bid to become great. He found the figure in a museum display of Indian burial mound artifacts, stole it, and attempted to discern its function. Too late, he realized it was a prison and his meddling released Big Red in the modern day. Shaw thought he could handle Red like a demon, he was wrong. After killing Shaw, Big Red learned as much as he could and came up with the idea of passing himself off as a mutant. He spent a short time with Dr. Whyte’s Mutant Force, but he was far too violent for them to put up with. He was recruited by La Diabla to join Baal and become one of the rulers of the world. He accepted on the condition that he could kill people, lots of people.

Big Red enjoys killing people. He especially enjoys killing Indians for revenge because of his red skin and law enforcement agents because he has no respect for authority. His loyalty to Baal is based simply on the fact that Baal will allow him to kill and can protect him from his enemies.

Quote: "Die, die, die!!!!"

Champions Character Sheet