Hubble Space Telescope


Hubble himself would be proud of the achievements the United States and other countries put into this new powerful "Eye In The Sky". The Educational Programs developed for this new upgrade is now under way at indipentant colleges and schools. NASA's new HSTwebsite and programs for all ages, to help understand the uses of this new teloscope.

In 1999 NASA launched STS-103x and put the final touches to the HST with a new Lens and Computer. The HST Images are breath-taking after waiting a few for the download.

You can see some these amazing photos for yourself if you have a Shortwave, or VHF/UHF Receiver and Tracking System.(or you can visit the NASA Archives). You will have to study areas and topics on this, and if you want some professional material that has help the ranks...try ARRL's Handbook To Satellites (American Radio Relay League)before you begin Transmitting or Receiving on your own channels or specially directed Messages; as such was the SAREX mission in 1995; towards an Orbiting Satellite.(including the SST).

With all the 'hundreds' of Satellites flying around up there, it's a good thing to have a decent Tracking Program like SSTPlus for Windows 95/98/2000.








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