The Russian Space Station (MIR)


Plans for the upgrades and 'remodeling' of the crippled & old MIR Space Station are underway soon, just after they figureout how Russia is going to pay for the 'merger'. The Russians expect to carry thier own man teams as they have in the past, and are closly loosing ground to being the only country to have a record for a human in space for great periods.

After the ISS (Internetional Space Station) is completed this little Space Staion will appear to be a camper; parked in the lot of the ISS Hotel.

This Russian Space Station has seen many emergencies and prblems, but we continue to learn from past experiences with the Russian Government's Space Program.

(NOTE: This website only contains part of the entire details to my Soft-Book #016. "What Are They Doing Up There?"In this title I show you all the basics needed for setting up, operating, and maintaining a complete system on your own. (If you are a registered user, then this will be mailed to you by July 4th.) Besure to send me a _Auto-Mailer_ Response (found on the bottom of the Membership Registration) to get placed on the list of active mailouts.)










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