Site Comments

Jan 26th.

Aussie Day


July 1

Canada Day

Welcome to the new format of my little piece of the web.  In all honesty, I didn't create this front page template.  I just saw it while surfing and thought I could utilize it.  At this point, I find time here and there to add little pieces to this soon-to-be masterpiece and I await multiple awards for letting you all into my life..... so sit back, grab a Diet Pepsi and a pork sausage and enjoy.

Welcome back, my friends.... I suppose your looking for an update.  I know that I cant keep my fans in the dark.  I've been transferred to the Winnipeg office of Gage.  it will sure be nice getting to be home every evening and not working weekends any more.  

To my Gage friends in Selkirk; I bequeath the following:

To Jeremy: A severe snow wash, you blond freak.

To Tiffany: A bag of Bits N' Bites used to fashion a small civilization.

To Justin "Scott": A year's supply of therapy so to convince you that that many tattoos are just plain wrong

To Justin K: Hang on to the dream of that car stereo.  Never let go of that dream.

To Peter: A gift certificate to "The Algebra Barn"

To Brenda: An grown-up conversation

To Marshall: A Hurricane Helms fan club membership

To Richard: DOS

To Ian: "wink-wink, nudge-nudge, say-no-more" from the Monty Python "Final Rip" album.

To Tyler: The title of the NEW KING OF CUSTOMER SERVICE


OK, so I have a split desk....There are little kids in poor countries that don't even have desks.  SO there.  I'm sure I wasn't the only one who's mother used that line on them.


One of our supervisors was walking around work with her digital camera looking for people with special skills.  My special skill was making an ostrich with my fingers.  Pretty impressive huh.  Well, after I saw the original photo, I adjusted it to depict how the stress of my job would force me to lose my hair.