
                            \)/elcome to...
            |    _             Tissue's _        __  |||  |
            |   / \  __  _  O  O   _   / \  _   [  ]  ||  |
            |  | ^ |/ -{/_| /| /| [_] | ^ || '^| ||    |  |
            |  |/~\|}-_|\_||_||_|     |/~\||_|`' L|    O  |
            |                    page                     |

ASCII-art is a popular method of using ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters to create images. Ascii Artwork uses the shapes and visual textures of the letters and standard symbols, and relies on fixed-pitch fonts to produce all sorts of images. It is one of the few art mediums that has evolved almost entirely because of the personal computer.

View any ASCII artwork with a mono-spaced font (Fixed Width), such as Courier or fixedsys font, which displays the same number of characters per inch... else, most image will appear distorted and meaningless.

I found out about ascii-art around august 1996 in the newsgroup alt.ascii-art & rec.arts.ascii there's also a newsgroup for animated ascii-art.

So I started collecting ascii-art then i moved on and started doing my own ascii and here i'm now... I look forward to improving myself at this. Your feedback/comment(s) are most welcomed.

Who am I?
 //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( \( )/ _)( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\
I:       __  _       |  | .` |\__\| |_   O f f i c i a l    :I
I:      /  ^' \      |  (_)\_)(__/(___)Net Surfer's License :I
I:     : /~\/. :     |  <-><-><-><-> exp. 2100 <-><-><-><-> :I
I:     `; o o ;'     |                                      :I
I:      {  d  }      | Name: Teng Yee Chiew aka Tissue      :I
I:       \ - /       | Email: ycteng@pl.jaring.my           :I
I:       |`-'|       | HomePage : ( Tissue's Domain )       :I
I:  ,----/\,/\----.  | https://members.tripod.com/~tissue_2/ :I
I: /     \/~\/     \ |                  _____,         __   :I
I: |       :       | |                 (  / o(\(~,/ / (_    :I
I: |  |    :    |  | |           sign:   (_/(_>_>(_/L(__,   :I
Below You can find...
My Artworks/Views | Other's work | One liners | FAQs | Others | Links

My Artworks...

If u use any of the art here, plz give me credit.
(a simple 'tis' somewhere with the pic will do fine)
3 Roses (new)
NBA sign
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon (extended version)
Elect. guitar
various others (abt 9k)
Eye twisters

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My views on... ( just my 1.9 cents )

how to draw ascii-art
future of ascii-art btw, I like to point out this ASCII-art...

      _+     -
   .      @=,  .+  
.    -   p ö} -  .
 +      /_/T>\  +  -
   .   /`~~||/    .
+    ./   //\\  -     .
  -   `   \\ \\  .   -
     .    ~`  ~`  _ +
Elvis by tissue
as u can see... i used the "ö" character as the face... i THINK this character is not in the ASCII character set... can anyone correct me if this is wrong... also...can this still be call ASCII-art?
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Others' works... ( Some of my favorites )
love heart
sleeping moon
(more to come)
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One Line ASCII-Art Collection...

some of these are by me...
but i don't think one line art need to b given credit...
since they are probabily someone else who already done it before...

(not ready yet)
smiley collection :)
letters enhencement
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FAQs ( None of these are by me )

ASCII Art Reference Version 4.9.1  by  Bob Allison (Scarecrow) - September 25, 1995
ASCII-Art Newsgroups FAQ Version 1.0.3  by  Matthew Thomas  -  30th Nov 1997
ASCII ART FAQ Version 1.2 (short) by Scarecrow  -  March 14, 1994
ASCII GRAPHICAL TECHNIQUES V1.0  By  Rowan Crawford  - 1994
ASCII ART FAQ  by  Jorn Barger  -  11 December 1993
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Others ASCII-art related stuffs...

gif 2 ASCII converter
animated ascii
3D ascii
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Links to ASCII-art sites

Ascii Art Sites, Sep 1996 from alt.ascii-art
Ascii Art Gallery
Ascii Art Page
Bagley's Place - Siggen Pro
Niki's Ascii Art Page
ASCII Art Bazaar
Christopher Johnson's ASCII Art Collection
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   dP'       `Yb 
  dP  ,dMMMb.  Yb 
 ,M   dP' `Yb   M. 
 |M   M[        M| 
 `M   Yb. ,dP   M' 
  Yb  `YMMMP'  dP 
   Yb.       ,dP 
 About this site
Copyright 1996 Teng Yee Chiew 
Last update : 17-Dec-1997
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