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Athena was very shocked one evening to discover her sacred temple, the Parthonon, being violated by non other than Alpheus and his new bride Brickle. Agreeing to let it go this time, seeing as it was their honeymoon night, she wished them well but bade them find a more appropriate place to consumate their marriage. Sadly that was not the last time she had dealings with the pair.

Alpheus came to Athena begging that she heal his wife from the after effects of her abduction by Discord. He promised the Goddess to be her eternal servant. Athena, not wishing to take advantage of Alpheus' overwelming love for his wife, she cautions him that she will recover in her own good time. alpheus, fearing this will bring only harm to the child she sarries, entreats the Goddess again. Athena provides what healing she can safely give. Alpheus reminds her of his debt but Athena tells him she will not hold him to that, though should she need a favor she would know where to come first.