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Discord has been a busy Goddess these days. Hearing of Alpheus' marriage to the water nymph Brickle, Discord vows to destroy their marriage and win Alpheus for her own. So, when Alpheus'  back was turned, discord stole the fair Brickle away and hid her upon Mount Olympus in a secret room. Alpheus never suspects that discord is behind his wife's disappearence and gladly accepts her help in searching for his bride. If it hadn't been for the interference of Brickle's mother and Alpheus'  nursemaid, her ploy may have eventually worked. But after Brickle was rescued, Discord quickly beat a hasty retreat.

Drowning her sorrows with the God of despair, Lachrymose, Discord recaives univited company. Dionysus come to pay her a visit. Having been bribed by Seafoam and Winkler (the affore mentioned mother and nursemaid), Dionysus lays the foundation for an as yet unknown punishment.