Guide to Turtle Pictures Galleries

Revised 4/30/2014

We really enjoy taking pictures of turtles and sharing them with you.
Some turtles will sit and pose all day and seem to enjoy the attention.
Others like eastern painted turtles are moving targets.
And some who do not want to be bothered simply withdraw into their shells.
It's all part of the fun. We hope you enjoy our pictures.

See pictures of baby turtles on the Baby Turtles Pictures page.

Eastern Box Turtles
Terrapene c. carolina

Go to the Box Turtles Pictures Gallery

Gulf Coast Box Turtles
Terrapene c. major

Go to the Box Turtles Pictures Gallery

Three-toed Box Turtles
Terrapene c. triunguis

Go to the Box Turtles Pictures Gallery

Ornate Box Turtles
Terrapene o. ornata

Go to the Box Turtles Pictures Gallery

Florida Box Turtles
Terrapene c. bauri

Go to the Box Turtles Pictures Gallery

Eastern Painted Turtles
Chrysemys p. picta

Go to the Painted Turtles Pictures Gallery

 Midland Painted Turtles
Chrysemys p. marginata

Go to the Painted Turtles Pictures Gallery

Western Painted Turtles
Chrysemys p. belli

Go to the Painted Turtles Pictures Gallery

Red-eared Sliders
Trachemys s. elegans

Go to the Sliders, Cooters, and Red-bellied Turtles Pictures Gallery

Yellow-bellied Slider
Trachemys s. scripta

Go to the Sliders, Cooters, and Red-bellied Turtles Pictures Gallery

Cumberland Slider
Trachemys s. troosti

Go to the Sliders, Cooters, and Red-bellied Turtles Pictures Gallery

Florida Cooter Turtle
Pseudemys f. floridana

Go to the Sliders, Cooters, and Red-bellied Turtles Pictures Gallery

Peninsula Cooter
Pseudemys f. peninsularis

Go to the Sliders, Cooters, and Red-bellied Turtles Pictures Gallery

Rio Grande Cooters
Pseudemys gorzugi

Go to the  Sliders, Cooters, and Red-bellied Turtles Pictures Gallery

Florida Red-bellied Turtle
Pseudemys nelsoni

Go to the  Sliders, Cooters, and Red-bellied Turtles Pictures Gallery

Red-bellied Turtle
Pseudemys rubriventris

Go to the  Sliders, Cooters, and Red-bellied Turtles Pictures Gallery

Spotted Turtles
Clemmys guttata

Go to theSpotted and Wood Turtles Pictures Gallery

Wood Turtles
Clemmys insculpta

Go to theSpotted and Wood Turtles Pictures Gallery

Map Turtles
Graptemys geographica

Go to the  Map Turtles and Diamondback Terrapins Pictures Gallery

Cagle's Map Turtles
Graptemys caglei

Go to the  Map Turtles and Diamondback Terrapins Pictures Gallery

Northern Diamondback Terrapins
Malaclemys t. terrapin

Go to the  Map Turtles and Diamondback Terrapins Pictures Gallery

Common Musk Turtles or Stinkpots
Sternotherus oderatus

Go to the Musk, Mud, and Snapping Turtles Pictures Gallery

Florida Mud Turtles
Kinosternon s. steindachneri

Go to the Musk, Mud, and Snapping Turtles Pictures Gallery

Common Snapping Turtles
Chelydra serpentina

Go to the Musk, Mud, and Snapping Turtles Pictures Gallery

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