Musk, Mud, and Snapping Turtles
Pictures Gallery

Last updated 1/9/2010


Musk, mud, and snapping turtles are common North American turtles and are often
kept as pets. These are also the turtles most likely to bit. But all turtles are individuals capable
of different personalities. Some make good pets and others can only be kept as specimens.

Snapping turtles are in a class all their own because they are so powerful
and their personalities so varied.  Some make excellent pets; some are better left alone.
There are stories about our snapping turtles in the tours on the Raising Baby Turtles page
and more pictures in the tours on the Backyard Turtles page.

Stinkpot or Common Musk Turtles
Sternotherus oderatus
Quark, juvenile male
 | pic 1 | pic 2 | pic 3 | pic 4 | pic 5 | pic 6 | pic 7 | pic 8 | pic 9 | pic 10
 | pic 11 | pic 12 | pic 13 | pic 14 | pic 15
Wild adult male No. 1
 | pic 1 | pic 2 | pic 3 | pic 4 | pic 5 | pic 6
Wild adult male No. 2
 | pic 1 | pic 2 | pic 3 | pic 4 | pic 5 | pic 6 | pic 7
Wild adult female No. 1
 | pic 1 | pic 2 | pic 3 | pic 4 | pic 5

Forida Mud Turtles
Kinosternon s. steindachneri
Quasar, adult male
 | pic 1 | pic 2 | pic 3 | pic 4 | pic 5 |

Common Snapping Turtles
Chelydra s. serpentina
Tiny, from a baby to an adult
 | pic 1 | pic 2 | pic 3 | pic 4 | pic 5 | pic 6 | pic 7 | pic 8 | pic 9 | pic 10 |
 | pic 11 | pic 12 | pic 13 | pic 14 | pic 15 | pic 16

One Sunday morning I looked out and saw Tiny sitting on the wall of the pen. I always knew he could climb out. After photographing him, I spent the day making modifications to no avail. Tiny moved on. He was last seen walking back to the pond in the pen. He is a very nice turtle who never snapped at anyone and got along great with other turtles. He is missed! Maybe he will come home someday.

| pic 17 | pic 18 | pic 19 | pic 20 | pic 21 | pic 22 | pic 23 | pic 24 |

Also see Tiny's desktop Wallpaper No. 12.

Tinytwo, from a baby to young adult
  Tinytwo is under one year of age in pictures 1 through 10.
 | pic 1 | pic 2 | pic 3 | pic 4 | pic 5 | pic 6 | pic 7 | pic 8 | pic 9 | pic 10 |
  Here is Tinytwo at one year of age without having hibernated. | pic 11 |
  Tinytwo as a juvenile. | pic 12 | pic 13 | pic 14 | pic 15 | pic 16 | pic 17 | pic 18 |
 | pic 19 | pic 20 | pic 21 |
 | pic 22 | pic 23 | pic 24 | pic 25 | pic 26 | pic 27 | pic 28 | pic 29 | pic 30 |
 Tinytwo does not like to be seen except when he wants fed in the pond and then he is still uncomfortable being seen. 
 | pic 31 | pic 32 | pic 33 | pic 34 |
 What he hates more than being seen is cameras and being photographed.
 | pic 35 | pic 36 | pic 37 | pic 38 | pic 39 | pic 40 |

See Tinytwo's desktop Wallpaper pictures Nos. 1, 26, and 30.


See pictures of more baby turtles on the Baby Turtles Pictures page.

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