Purchaseware Sets Page 1   2

These sets are for sale only. Please Contact for details.

All the websets shown on this page are unique and have never been offered as linkware.
The purchase price is $25.00.  Once a set is purchased, it will be removed.
However, we retain the copyright to all our websets, and still require a link back.

Happy Fall


To Have and Hold


What's Cooking

I Pledge Allegiance

I Garden therefore I am




Please Contact me first before making any payment and for questions regarding any sets.

The purchase of the web set is for one user only and may not be redistributed for third party sharing or SOLD.

The purchaser may use the set as many times as they wish for Personal or Commercial use.

Our logo must remain on the set on each page that the graphics are used.

Payments can be made using Paypal. We are Paypal verified.


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