The Maranen is the most popular Gothic hotel/entertainment center. The owner, Tristan Wainwright and his. . . Well, we don't quite know the status of Pierre, but anyway. . . Tristan and Pierre co-own the Maranen. Pierre perfoms every night for a wide audience [at least three hundred a show. There are two shows every night.] Things aren't very exciting there, life is just rather normal. But then the residents of the hotel start dying. What the hell? This isn't right. Tristan is loaded with paperwork and police, while Pierre is investigating the murders himself. He's asking the maids and the other residents anything and everything. Who is killing people, and what does it have to do with the Maranen, anyway?

There'll be pictures soon!

| Hit Me! | Ningyo no Nikutai | Nothing Else Matters | Splendour |