Microsoft Excel 2003 Tutorial

Microsoft Excel


Spreadsheet Definition


     A spreadsheet is information stored in rows and columns. It is derived from when accountants tracked business activities on large sheets of paper known as spreadsheets. Above is a picture of what an Excel spreadsheet looks like, and the names to different parts of the spreadsheet.

Column letter: They are the letters across the top of the spreadsheet to identify each column.
Row numbers: They are the numbers across the side of the spreadsheet that identify each row.
Scroll bars: They are the bars on the right hand side and bottom of the spreadsheet, used to view other rows and columns that are not currently in your viewing box.
Cell cursor: This is the bold outline that is used to select the cell.
Name box: Box that shows the location of the cell cursor according to its row and column.
Formula bar: Box that displays the content of the active cell.