
001. breadth of browser compatibility
002. appeal to universal audience - multilingual translations, cultural sensitivity, disability access & services

Speed & Bandwidth Sensitivity

003. overall page sizes & complexity
004. average download times

HTML Quality

005. clean HTML with no faulty code
006. workability of active x, rollovers, applets, etc.
007. page titles, descriptions, keywords & tags

Navigation & Links

008. navigation functionality & clarity
009. link integrity
010. quality & depth of links provided


011. original artwork, music, intellectual property etc.
012. international copyright laws are correctly observed
013. quotations, images & intellectual property from 3rd parties are appropriately cited

Graphic Design

014. exceptional artistry
015. elegance & sophistication of core design concepts
016. typography & font styles
017. clever synergies of visual elements

User Friendliness

018. ease of use
019. interface functionality
020. clarity & simplicity

Aesthetics & Beauty

021. visual appeal
022. professional appearance
023. artistic integration
024. color harmonies

Alignment & Layout

025. general layout & use of space
026. complexity & quality of tables
027. effective use of layers


028. effectiveness of unified feel
029. congruence of elements
030. audio-visual synchronization
031. consolidation & reinforcement of purpose


032. message & its expression
033. usefulness & quality of content, free resources etc.
034. reason to return

Human Interactivity

035. Email lists, newsletters, newsgroups, chat, BB

Information Process

036. simplification of complex components, use of synopsis & summaries
037. information architecture, primary purpose, construct clarity, chunking, packaging, FAQ's & RFC
038. information access - content rating systems, usability, search facility, site map, steps to destination, readability, effectiveness of image maps

Verbal Expression

039. clarity of grammar & use of language
040. spelling, punctuation etc.
041. absence of duplication & repetition

Attention to detail

042. absence of mistakes &/or inaccuracy
043. absence of incongruities
044. absence of dead ends & outdated pages
045. absence of process failures & code crash

Innovation & Lateral Thinking

046. uniqueness & rarity of offerings
047. commendable insight or utility
048. advanced, unusual, or clever solutions


049. originality of components
050. elegance & sophistication
051. style variation from industry fashions
052. creative use of resources


053. effective use of leading edge technologies - Java, DHTML, active X, advanced coding, CSS, peer to peer
054. compression technologies, RealPlayer, Flash, Beatnik
055. database integration & functionality


056. resonance in memory
057. multi-sensory appeal & impact
058. strength of emotional impression &/or evocative attitude
059. strength of "mindprint"


060. forward thinking
061. advanced solutions
062. leading-edge activities

Customer Service & Client Respect

063. ease of contact & responsiveness


064. honesty in advertising & self representations
065. contributions &/or support of worthy public causes


066. clarity & potency of message delivery
067. absence of unrequested intrusions (e.g. pop ups)
068. absence of "attention clash"
069. absence of conceptual "dissonance"

Advanced Components

070. use of interactive maps & other active media
071. active server & dynamically generated pages

Overall Site Effectiveness

072. professionalism in achieving website goals
073. website traffic & statistics
074. potency of impact
075. prompts to action


075. websites role & function
076. prominence in Internet community
077. awards
078. site linkages


Differentiation & Branding Strategy

072. strength of logo
073. label & other psychological, perceptual & emotional "anchors"
074. community forums