Me and Rae's wierd dreams
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Me and Rae's wierd dreams
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Stupid Warning Labels
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These are me and rae's demented dreams...

SAM'S:okay well this one is a little bit too wierd and proves that teachers are litteraly taking over our minds...okay...i was on a roadtrip with my freinds when we had car troubles and my car had broken down..the closest house by was my math teachers house mr.corey, so we went to go over and ask him if we could use his phone...but when we knocked on his door he wasnt there but all the vehicles were so we decided to just wait at our broken down car till sum1 goes by when we spotted movement in mr.corey's car...we took a better peak and noticed it was my teacher mr.corey making out with his wife! *BARF*(ewww)  and then i woke up.

RAE 'S: Okay, I was like chillin with this guy I like, and he was older. And we were like in China. (I prefer not to mention his name) And I was all ice skating on tar and, sayin how bad I sucked and I jumped a trash can. And me and this guy started holdin hands. We went into this Chinese restaruant and rice went every where and they blame me, and he all stood up for me. Then like.. a bunch of asains started runnin around in their underpants. They were like serving food and shit. So I was like.. Man you wanna get outta here? And we like walked out. I wanted to kiss him and shit but I wouldnt.. Like a little while later. We were like at a house, and I go, "Can I kiss you?" He is like, "Well, you are sittin on my lap and got my shirt off, it seems like the right time." And then I woke up.

SAM'S DREAM: I was at the school were when u grad. u hadda touch the top of this REELI high tower and i didnt do it cause i was afraid of heights, so fer punishment i had to ride this roller coaster that went up REEL high then went straight down then again and again and one time i fell out of it at the top and fell in this odd forest were the cat off from alice in wonder-land was there and this old lady in a stroller chased after me in the caged forest were i ran and ran and ran and then i climed the top of a tree and jumped out of the forest...then i woke up

RAE 'S: One time I had a dream..that  I was a peice of toast... and i had a family of toast...and we got put in a toaster......and we died... Wierd

this is rae when she became toast!

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