
Well in this section you basicly know what goes on here. I'm going to try to teach you some new tricks. Make sure you read all the steps for all the tricks or you probably wont get it.

Lets first start with the basics these are your most heard of tricks such as "Walk The Dog," "Around The World." If there if you can already do these tricks scrool down the page and select which level of tricks you want.

1.The Throwdown
2.The Sleeper
3.The Creeper
4.Walk The Dog
5.Forward Pass
6.Around The World

1.-To "Throwdown" your yoyo first of all make sure that the strings in the middle knuckle of your middle finger. Now hold the yoyo palm up then throw it down torwards the ground. Then wait for it to come back up.

2.-To do the "Sleeper" all you have to do is the "Throwdown" and trun your hand over to let the yoyo spin or "sleep" at the bottom and when it starts to lose power in it's spin just give it a little tug and it will return to your hand.(If you are using a "Brain" yoyo if you through it hard enough it will sleep and return to your hand automaticlly.) More coming soon


        All yoyo pictures are from The Yo-Yo unless other wise said. Layout and graphics for the main page were made by Bong Studios If you ever need any graphics or layouts please go there. They do great work as you can see.