
Tell me what you think!


Here is your opportunity... I welcome your feedback


My business depends on your satisfaction, so please let me know what you think.


Do you have questions, concerns, comments or just want to show some love.

This is a safe, no reply form to privately contact us.  Please include an Email address or phone number if you would like me to contact you.

see Links of interest below


Contact Us




We can be contacted 24 hours of the day by Email.  Anyone can feel free to Email us by using the form above.  Established customers can feel free to text my 848 number.

Please wait for my reply!  We have been known to occasionally get away for a night or two to relax.



Special Deal

Always....Earn one free visit for referring us to a new pet sitting customer

Celebrating 24 years

 Ask for our senior or military discount
















For Volusia County visit the Pet Vet Cruiser click here to search the site links at Also, see how to find a lost pet and requirements of pet ownership.


Check out Natural Awakenings for their pet articles. Found in most health and Natural food stores


crate training


RAIN, a local volunteer rescue group has a link for several area rescue groups.


Pet Friendly Rentals


View the Links here to help you travel with your pet.  Lets face it dogs like to be with their family bottom line.  If you can't take them and they need to stay behind call on your pet's friend, Paws-itively Affordable Pet Care, by submitting the form above.