
 Below are a few ideas on how you can prepare for a pet sitter.

We recommend that a healthy dog has at least three visits a day, especially on long term assignments. If they are crated we like to see them four times per day.  

We recommend that healthy cats are seen at least once a day, twice if they are used to having can food twice a day.


  Your pet's security check list

1.  Make reservations with PAPC as early as possible, especially on holidays.  Our time can become limited very early on week ends and holidays. Please confirm your reservation to make sure I have your time arranged on my calendar before leaving.

2. Have extra pet food and supplies on hand in case your return is delayed.  We don't mind picking up anything needed for your pets but, we charge extra for errand service if pet essentials are needed.

3. Unplug all unused electrical appliances that could be a hazard.

4. Close your washer/dryer door if it is located where a inquisitive pet can jump into it.

5. Pick up anything that could be chewed or swallowed by your pet.  PAPC does not like plastic toys. rawhide chews should not be left for your pet to chew unsupervised. Nylabones have been researched and proven to be a hazard to your dogs.

6. Please advise us of your pets routine and schedule,  We like to know their habits, good or bad, if they like to chew, favorite treat, their favorite toy and how they play with them.  Please let any issue known that we should watch out for.  Do they have allergies, unusual habits or fears, tell us of any hiding places they have. 

7. If your pet is on medication please provide the Veterinarian's information & your schedule.

8. Will you be leaving a radio or TV on for your pets company and to deter crime?  

9. Make two copies of your house key for your pet sitter.  PAPC likes to keep two keys, this enables me to make regular spaced visits and if I am unable to return for one of the scheduled visits the extra key will be in the lock box for Richard to use at the spare of the moment. (All keys in our possession are fully insured).

10. If another person will be checking on your pet or home please notify PAPC and provide us with their name, telephone number and scheduled visit.  PAPC is insured and will not be held responsible for certain mishaps or occurrences and we do not want to unnecessarily call the police on a friend or relative.

11. If you have a friendly neighbor that keeps an eye on your property while you are away please let them know that PAPC will be coming and going each day.

12. Move valuables away from windows to prevent people passing by to see.  Also secure your valuables from being broken by inquisitive cats and some dogs that like to jump everywhere.

13. Secure outside gates and use locks to prevent them from being opened.  Inform the pet sitter if you have lawn or pool service coming so we can alter the lock.

    A. PAPC does not care for dogs that are left outside in the yard. All pets must be in the house or outdoor kennel in between my visits.

14. Make sure all windows and doors are locked.  Inform the sitter of any inside door that should remain unlocked, if this will prevent you from being locked out on your return. ;)

15. If your pet does not have a microchip implant or tattoo please be certain that your pet has a well fitted identification tag on their collar that includes your name and telephone number. Since your vet's office closes each day the rabies tag is not enough information to bring your pet home quickly. Also please leave out a recent photo of your pet.

16. If I am new to your house, Please collect everything needed for your pet's care and place together in a pre-specified area. It takes precious one on one time away from your pet/s if I have to hunt for something. Number one thing forgotten is spoon or can cover :)

17. Please help keep your pet calm by leaving just as you would leave for a days work or shopping trip.  This is not a good time to give long sobbing good-byes, or implement any dietary changes.  Please save the new treats for when you are home.