The Main Task Of The Academy

Our main task is to assist the scientists and specialists of the MRC in the realization of their creative potential and accumulated experience in the development of the acute problems of the mineral resources complex in the Republic of Kazakstan.

*** To estimate the resources potential and to work out the long-term geological - exploration technologies.

*** The modern methods of mineral resources production with the full and harmless extraction technologies.

*** Energy and resources savings, ecological technologies for the mineral resources development.

*** The economy of the mineral resources complex.

*** The engineering training and the spreading of the modern advanced knowledge and technologies in the MRC branch.

In addition, the Academy makes the independent consultative study and estimation of the projects in the field of subsoil use, their development and all assistance in the field of geoplogy, output, technology and economy of the mineral resources, geoecology and other problems to all the home and foreign structures involved in the activity of the mineral resources complex.

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Staff: Academy's Distinguished Staff
Our Task: Main Tasks of the Academy